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500 Internal Server Error on admin page

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    Hello, I have a fresh installation of WordPress with nothing installed, I followed the documentation and installed the theme and plugins. Then, I have an error message when I try to get to the admin page via the link : wwww.eurodecor-eshop.be/wp-admin

    The error occurs only on this page/link. If I add /index.php or any other page I can acces the WP motherboard. I know it’s because of plugins because when I uninstall them it works. So i’d like to know if you have any solution to this problem. I already contact my host provider that told me to contact you. Otherwise I’d like to be refund please I have no time to fix errors, I need to work immediatly.

    Thank you !



    Thank you very much for choosing our theme and for contacting us.

    I have entered the URL without www and could get to the login page https://prnt.sc/vt3x68

    Please check and configure the mirror URLs.

    Best Regards



    Thank you for answering fast 🙂

    I can get to the log in page but when i click on connect It brings me to the error page.
    You can try now I have only Woodmart parent theme and Elementor free version installed and I still get the error page.

    I can give you my username and password if you want to enter and see what is wrong. In case I can’t solve the problem is it possible to refund ?

    Thank you. Kagan

    You must be logged in to view attached files.


    Please provide your site admin access to the private area.

    Best Regards



    Hello ! Here you are

    Please try to fix this or can I get a refund I need to work asap.
    I just need Elementor to create pages no other plugins for the moment.

    Thank you


    Artem Temos


    500 Internal Error is a generic error and says about some issue on the server and can be caused by different things. Anyway, to understand its nature you need to see your server error logs or enable PHP error display on the website. If you can’t do this, you need to contact your hosting provider for help with this question. Here is an article that may help you understand the error better http://www.wpbeginner.com/wp-tutorials/how-to-fix-the-internal-server-error-in-wordpress/
    If you want to return your money back, you can request a refund here https://themeforest.net/refund_requests/new




    Alright thank you for the informations.
    I’ll try to fix this.


    Artem Temos

    You are welcome. Contact us if you will have any extra questions.




    I solve the problem by changing my host provider.

    Everything is Ok for the moment.

    I’d like to thank the admin for the fast answer.


    Artem Temos

    Great, we are glad that you sorted it out. Feel free to contact us if you will have any questions.

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