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Remove "select size" icon in Shop page

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  • #249020



    We would like to remove the “select size” icon in the shop page to force either quickview or full click and so the 3 other icons would be centered. Could you please suggest a way to do that ?

    Also, how can we change the default width of the shop page in the theme ?

    Best Thanks 🙂



    If I provide CSS code to remove the icon it would not remove the functionality. HTML structure does not allow solving it by custom CSS. Such modification requires complicated Woocommerce code customization which is not covered by our support. You would better use the quick show for variable products, this option allows to select the variation just in the grid and add to cart it.

    The page width is set globally in the Theme Settigns > General layout.

    Best Regards



    Well received Elise 🙂

    If in some way you implement this option in the future, I’ll be happy to hear about it !

    Best Thanks,



    You would better to find a plugin as we do not change the Woocommerce functionality. If you have any questions please feel free to contact us.

    Best Regards

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