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Loading slow, redirect 301

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  • #25622


    Hi,my page load in 3-5 secs. But before is loading for 6-10 secs more. In the network details it shows. “www.naturatalca.cl redirect 301 7.88 secs” (this redirect I do not know why it appears, is very slow), “naturatalca.cl redirect 302 3.01 secs”(this is normal).

    I install al the plugins required for the theme, I do not know how to uninstall.

    Sorry for my english.

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    Artem Temos


    Could you please check it works with default theme to check is this redirect related to our theme or not?




    Hi, I uninstalled everything from wordpress from my server, then i did a clean installation with a default theme and the redirection does not happen. This load fast now, In 2-3 secs.

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    Hi, i install the theme and all the plugins required. And I have no problems for now. The redirect 301 does not appear.
    I do not know why that appeared

    The load time is 10 secs, without products and images. With all the plugins required installed.

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    Artem Temos

    We tested your blog page it is average loading time is 2.5 seconds that is the same as with default theme. https://gyazo.com/a7f93b82f7953288eabbf76f302e2442
    It is not right to compare pages between our theme and default WordPress theme since the second one doesn’t have any elements like mega menu, products carousels and other. In fact, you just compare one page full of content with an empty page.

    For the home page we got 4 seconds with our theme https://gyazo.com/1855c0e9d563bd96cf59f519e8237a71



    thx so much.
    Last question, the redirect 301 appears when i write: “http://naturatalca.cl” , and redirect to “https://naturatalca.cl” , and that takes about 4 seconds more.

    This is normal, from http to https?

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    Artem Temos

    Yes, it is normal. You need to share your website link with https and not with http to prevent this.

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