Hi, im trying to add the button in thumbanil hover but it doesn’t appear like in your demo site . Im using the same setting as your demo theme and in my website is appearing icon and not a button with text ( add to buton ) . I have send you i attachment what i mean .
Thank you so much for your support and fast replay .
Hi, i have try everything and it seems the problem has nothing to do with third part plugins . It seems the problem is with the theme plugins . I can not leave the third part plugins deactivate because my website works with some of the plugins like the checkout form editor and other . You may deactivate it when you have enter my website and see by u’r self.
I have logged into your website and checked. Actually, this is the default behavior of the column layout.
This means that the button is displayed when the number of columns are 3. As you set the number of columns as 4 then the button is changed to only an icon.