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Random site images filling in the background of the website

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  • #259915


    The site owner keeps seeing a strange problem every month or so. The background of the homepage fills with images or even PDFs. When they see this, they can see if on various computers and devices and they take a screen grab. It doesn’t last for very long.

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    First of all thanks for choosing our Theme, we are glad to be you in the WoodMart WordPress family :).

    I saw the screenshot you attached.

    I have visited your website and there is no issue as you mentioned. Please clear cache and check back.

    Screenshot for Clarification: https://prnt.sc/x9u80z

    Best Regards.



    Hi, Thanks for looking. This appears on the site and then disappears, it doesn’t last long, and the client doesn’t clear the cache to remove it. They have been this about 3 o 4 times, when they see it, they check on other computers and devices and they all have it, and then it stops showing.

    I can tell them to delete cache, but they want to know why this happens, and they don’t clear cache to remove it. Where should we be looking to find this problem?

    What could be causing this?



    Sorry but without seeing the problem I am unable to suggest to you any solution. It seems to be a cache issue.

    As this is working fine on my end.

    Xtemos Studios.

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