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Sticky header on desktop and mobile

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  • #262195


    Hi there.
    I want to have my sticky row on desktop beeing “main header” row and on mobile the “header bottom” row, how can i achieve that? I change the desktop and mobile views but the options are not affected by that.

    Look forward for a reply

    Best regards



    Make all the rows sticky, disable header clone and hide the row you do not want to show on the desktop, and hide the row you do not want to show on mobile.

    If you have any questions please feel free to contact us.

    Best Regards



    Hi there.
    Many thanks for your reply. For the desktop version your solution works ok, because the sticky starts with the main header row and by hiding the header bottom row when sticky it’s ok, but now on mobile version when i hide the main header and the sticky starts it gives like a small jump because its changing the display mode to none for that row and that is not good as it looks like a bug, it’s not fluid.
    Is there any way you can help me to sort this out?

    Many thanks



    This is the css i’ve applied

    screen and (max-width: 1024px) {
    header.whb-header.whb-sticked .whb-header-bottom{
    display: block !important;

    header.whb-header.whb-sticked .whb-general-header{
    display: none !important;

    header.whb-header.whb-sticked .whb-header-bottom{
    display: none;

    header.whb-header.whb-sticked .whb-general-header{
    display: block;



    Please disable the header clone: https://xtemos.com/docs/woodmart/header-builder/global-header-settings/

    Then enable sticky header for all the columns: https://xtemos.com/docs/woodmart/header-builder/header-rows-columns-configuration/

    And hide the columns as per your needs. You do not need any CSS.

    Best Regards



    Hi there.
    That doesnt work because if i hide the columns on the settings they disappear when its not sticky.
    The only way i was able to reach the effect i need i with css but then i have the bug that it recognizes the general header on the sticky even if it is hidden.
    Do you know any other solution?

    Best regards



    Please clarify so that I could give you the CSS:

    Deskotp default: main row + bottom row.

    Desktop sticky: main row.

    Mobile default main row and bottom row.

    Mobile sticky: bottom

    Is that correct?

    Best Regards



    Hi there thanks for the reply.
    Yes i have exactly as you describe. Hope you can help me =)
    Many thanks Elise



    1. Hide the top row on desktop and on mobile (mobile view) https://xtemos.com/docs/woodmart/header-builder/header-responsive-settings/

    2. Make the main and bottom rows visible and sticky.

    3. Please add this code to the Theme Settings > Custom CSS > Desktop:

    .whb-sticked .whb-header-bottom{

    4. Please add this code to the Theme Settings > Custom CSS > Tablet/Mobile :

    .whb-sticked .whb-general-header{

    Best Regards



    Many thanks Elise!
    All is great now =)
    Maybe in the future you can haver the selection for sticky by resolution on the header builder.

    You can close this ticket.

    Best regards


    You are welcome! If you have any questions please feel free to contact us.

    Best Regards

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