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Footer tablet

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  • #263091


    how can make the footer with an accordion for tablet? viewpoint just like the mobile viewpoint

    Please check the attached screenshot


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    You need the Footer to be in widgets and you can enable collapse of the widgets on mobile in the Theme Settings > Footer.

    If you created the Footer as an HTML block it would not work.

    Best Regards




    Thank you for the reply!
    as stated in my first topic! i have it on mibile and i need for Tablet! and i have also as widget

    but i need this to be also collapsed for Tablet viewpoint



    Please add this code to the Theme Settings > Custom CSS > Tablet:

    .footer-widget-collapse > *:not(.widget-title):not(:first-child) {
        display: none;
        margin-top: 20px; }
      .footer-widget-collapse .widget-title {
        position: relative;
        margin-bottom: 0;
        padding-right: 22px; }
        .footer-widget-collapse .widget-title:after {
          position: absolute;
          top: calc(50% - 12px);
          right: 0;
          width: 24px;
          height: 24px;
          border-radius: 50%;
          color: #333;
          vertical-align: middle;
          text-align: center;
          font-weight: 600;
          font-size: 10px;
          line-height: 24px;
          transition: all .25s ease;
          content: "\f129";
          font-family: "woodmart-font"; }
      .footer-widget-collapse.footer-widget-opened .widget-title:after {
        background-color: #F9F9F9;
        transform: rotate(180deg); }
      .color-scheme-light .footer-widget-collapse .widget-title:after {
        color: #FFF; }
      .color-scheme-light .footer-widget-collapse.footer-widget-opened .widget-title:after {
        background-color: #FFF;
        color: #333; }

    Add this code to the Theme Settings > Custom JS:

    jQuery('.footer-widget-collapse .widget-title').on('click', function() {
    			var $title = jQuery(this);
    			var $widget = $title.parent();
    			var $content = $widget.find('> *:not(.widget-title)');
    			if ($widget.hasClass('footer-widget-opened')) {
    			} else {

    Best Regards



    Hi there!

    this doesn’t work and it changes the layout of the footer completely and also appear in the desktop!

    i just want the footer to break and look with accordion just like in mobile



    Please make sure you have inserted the CSS code in the proper section: not General/Desktop only Tablet.

    Please add this custom CSS accordingly:

    footer .footer-column.col-sm-6 {
        -ms-flex: 0 0 100%;
        flex: 0 0 100%;
        max-width: 100%;
    footer .footer-column.col-sm-4 {
        -ms-flex: 0 0 100%;
        flex: 0 0 100%;
        max-width: 100%;

    If you still have the problem, please update your access, I cannot log in with old credentials.

    Best Regards



    Perfect! this has worked


    You are welcome! If you have any questions please feel free to contact us.

    Best Regards

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