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HN Structure on Landing pages.

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  • #267386


    Hello guys,

    I need to have a perfect SEO HN structure on my shop pages.

    Multiples needs :
    #1 – On category page :
    The widget title is <h5>, how can I switch to a <span> ?

    #2 – On each pages :
    The “Cart” title is a <h3>, how can I switch to a <span> ?

    #3 – On product pages :
    – The Tabs dedicated to review display a <h2> on woocommerce-Reviews-title, how can I switch to a <h4> ?
    – The Tabs title are <a>, how can I had something like <h3><a> for woodmart-accordion-title ?

    Thanks a lot guys !



    1. Please find the file: woodmart/inc/theme-setup.php
    then find the function woodmart_widget_init()
    You can change the titles for the widgets.

    2) Please find the file: woodmart/inc/integrations/woocommerce/template-tags.php
    then find the function: woodmart_cart_side_widget()
    You can find and change the cart title.

    3.1) The reviews are Woocommerce functionality, we do not have instruction on how to edit them.
    3.2) The tag <a> is necessary there so that accordion could operate properly, if you still want to change, find the file: woodmart/woocommerce/single-product/tabs/tabs.php

    Best Regards



    Thanks a lot Elise for you quick response !

    But I’ve created a child theme and when I edit this files in this theme, nothing change.
    Ofc, when I try on the woodmart theme, it work fine.

    Can I change theses files in a child-theme ?

    Best regards,



    Please have a look at the screen: http://prntscr.com/100j4eh

    You need to copy only these codes into the child theme and edit.

    If you have any questions please feel free to contact us.

    Best Regards



    Thanks a lot Elise,

    Works perfectly fine !

    Bests regards.


    You are welcome! If you have any questions please feel free to contact us.

    We will appreciate highly if you spend a couple of minutes and answer the questions provided here: https://8uehqcg4tjy.typeform.com/to/IgyV2EiP

    Best Regards

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