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Modify Social Icons

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  • #270869

    Oriol Duarri


    We want to know how to modify an existing social icon for another one, for example, modify the pinterest icon for the Trip Advisor icon,


    Oriol Duarri

    Hi, we need a code like that, but this is not working for us, can you help us?



    <script type=’text/javascript’ src=’//http://www.canbeneitprueba.com.mialias.net//wp-content/themes/woodmart/js/functions.min.js’ id=’woodmart-theme-js’></script> <script type=’text/javascript’ id=’woodmart-theme-js-after’>document.getElementsByClassName(“fa-pinterest”).className += ” fa-tripadvisor”; jQuery(document).ready(function() {



    Please provide more details on how you would like to modify the icons, do you want to change the icon appearance or functionality.

    Best Regards


    Oriol Duarri

    Hi Elise,

    We want to show the fa-far tripadvisor icon when we use the pinterest one, may you can provide me a js code for that?

    Thank you in advance



    Please provide the icon URL and page URL where you want to apply it, I will provide the custom CSS.

    Best Regards


    Oriol Duarri

    Hi Elise,

    We want to show this icon https://fontawesome.com/icons/tripadvisor instead of the pinterest one, everywhere where we use the social profiles woodmart module

    I give you access to website:



    The icon you want to show related to Pro set that is not supported by our theme without an additional license.

    Please find a free one or upload an image to the media library and provide the link.

    Best Regards


    Oriol Duarri

    Hi Elise,

    This is not a Pro icon, this version of the icon is the free one: https://fontawesome.com/icons/tripadvisor?style=brands

    Another woodmart theme have the integration that I’m looking for, you can see it here https://onlysushi.es at the top-bar.

    Also attaching an screenshot showing that it’s a free icon,

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    Please add this code to the Theme Settings > Custom CSS > Global:

    .social-pinterest i:before {
        content: "\f262"!important;
        font-family: "Font Awesome 5 Brands";
        font-weight: 400;

    Best Regards


    Oriol Duarri


    Worked perfectly, thank you so much Elise!


    You are welcome! If you have any questions please feel free to contact us.

    We will appreciate highly if you spend a couple of minutes and answer the questions provided here: https://8uehqcg4tjy.typeform.com/to/IgyV2EiP

    Best Regards

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