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Change Account, Cart, and Search Icons in Woodmart Header.

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  • #274015


    Hi, I would like to change the size and weight of several of the Icons in the Header. I want them to display like the Font Awesome Button Icons do which is slightly larger, but more importantly they have a heavier weight to them. How can I achieve this?

    I have attached a screenshot of my current header. On the left side, the phone and directions marker are both font awesome icons using the “Button” widget. I would like the Cart, Account, and Search Icons on the right to have the same look.



    screen shot of header

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    You can upload your custom icons by means of Info-box element in the header builder: https://xtemos.com/docs/woodmart/header-builder/add-edit-builder-elements/

    Best Regards



    Ok, but how do I make them function? I know that I can upload a cart icon, but how do I make it function like the cart button?



    If you want to assign an additional functionality to the header element you will need to customize the theme. Such modifications are not covered by our support.

    Best Regards



    Replacing Cart and Account Icons with Custom Images worked great, thank you… HOWEVER – I have tried to put my Ajax Search Shortcode in an Information Box and the text “search is not inline” – how can I make this element inline? Image attached.

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    I do not follow your idea. As I understand you want to add the search into the header. If so, the Header builder has the Search element and you can find the option to present the search as a form, as a full-width popup.

    Best Regars



    I want all of my Icons in the header to display in nicely boxed container as the Buttons do on the Left side of the header (the Directions and Contact icons) – You told me to place them as “Information Boxes”. Unfortunately this DID NOT work for the Cart/Account Icons HOWEVER I simply replaced the standard theme icons with Custom Icons and I am FINE with how they look now.

    FOR THE SEARCH ICON – I currently have “AJAX Search for WooCommerce (PRO)” installed.
    I am using [Shortcode] to display the search function icon ONLY
    however it would be nice to display the WORD “search” next to the icon and not the “Search Form”
    WHY? For “Continuity” – The continuity (all the same look) would look much better as opposed to the the Search Form Box.


    [AJAX SEARCH SHORTCODE] “<h2>SEARCH</h2>” <— All of this Element Inline-Block

    What I am asking from you is this – is there custom CSS you could supply me that would achieve the following;

    Header; Information Box[AJAX SEARCH SHORTCODE]”<h2>SEARCH</h2>” <– Make this Element display inline block LIKE the Button does.



    The screen shot I attached has the following issue

    It is in an Information Box;

    I have placed the [AJAX SEARCH SHORTCODE] in the “Content” Tab of that element

    When I try to put the words “Search” in either the
    -title or subtitle
    -as Button Text
    -as Information Box text
    -as text in the “Content” tab next to my [SHORTCODE]

    It DOES NOT display inline and displays as this screen shot

    such as;



    I want to make the “Search” Text Inline on the Right Side of the Search ICON just like the DIRECTIONS OR CONTACT BUTTONS ON LEFT

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    You can add the button in the Header builder and configure showing the icon. https://xtemos.com/docs/woodmart/header-builder/add-edit-builder-elements/

    As for the AJAX Search for WooCommerce (PRO) please contact the plugin support our support does not cover customizing third-praties plugins.

    If you have any questions please feel free to contact us.

    Best Regards

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