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video display

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  • #274284


    want to make the video display in better way , like once i click on it then it get full screen
    please , with fancy box css

    please check the video example at this website

    another problem is i have a pre footer html block , it not translated when i switch to English ?
    is like the html block stays the same in any language ?



    Our theme does not have option to show the video in this way.

    There is trick:

    Insert the popu element and insert the WP bakery video element inside. You can assign the background image on the column.

    If you have any questions please feel free to contact us.

    Best Regards



    thanks i try but the problem is still need to click the botton and not the picture so the video can pop up ! which is not what i want ,

    i find the code for that video in website its html code , so can you help me so i can insert it in wb bakary in the write way and insure it working ?

    <!– Start Video –>
    <div class=”video-cont”>
    <div class=”container”>
    <div class=”Video”>

    <a data-fancybox=”gallery” href=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gjz1fKtj9YM&#8221; class=”video-anchor fixall wow zoomIn”
    data-wow-duration=”1s” data-wow-delay=”0.4s”>
    ” class=”img-responsive”>
    <div class=”play”>/images/play.png”></div>

    <!– End Video –>



    Please try to way with the popup. By default, it is a button. When you click it would open the video.

    Best Regards




    but still want the help with html block PRE footer translate problem

    i have mention the problem in the problem before !
    ” another problem is i have a pre footer html block , it not translated when i switch to English ?
    is like the html block stays the same in any language ? ”



    Please create two HTML blocks and Hello, navigate to WPML > String Translation > Choose the admin_text_woodmart_option from the dropdown and find the title and the content block http://prntscr.com/lx5qpz

    Best Regards

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