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Search Result!

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  • #274578


    Every time I search for something, for example a vegetable : coriander. It shows all other products with coriander in the title/description before it shows actual coriander – http://prnt.sc/10p1jiu

    Can we show the product that actually start with the word coriander first and then other products which have coriander somewhere in the title?

    I hope you get my point.



    Sorry but there is no option in Theme Settings available for that.

    It requires customizations and this is beyond our limitations and support policy.

    Best Regards



    Okay but can you tell what is the default behaviour? how does it display the search result?



    This is actually the default behavior of the search that if you search for a chair it displays all the products containing chairs in the title.

    As it is working in your case. And there is no option in Theme Settings to change it.

    Best Regards.

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