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After update to Woodmart 6.0 translations dissapeard

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  • #279624


    Hello all,

    I use Loco Translate for translating queries et cetera. After updating too Woodmart 6.0 all translations of the Woodmart theme dissapeard. How come? It seems that the translations made on the installed WooCommerce plug-in still exists. But WooCommerce has not done any updates yet.

    How can I tackle this?

    Second little thing: after updating too Woodmart 6.0, there is suddenly a strange white bar above our own green topbar. How can we fix this?

    Thanks for helping!


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    Artem Temos


    It might happen if you store all your translation files in the folder with the theme. Make sure that all your translations are stored in wp-content/languages/themes/ folder. Then you will never lose your translations.

    As for the white bar, try to disable the “Combine JS” option in Theme Settings -> Performance -> JS.

    Kind Regards



    Hello Artem,

    Thanks for your fast reply. Disabling “combine JS” works for the white bar. Is there a possibility to use the “combine JS” functionality without having the white space?

    As for the theme translations: is there a way we can recover the deleted translations? It costs a lot of time to translate all of it again. Secondly, how can we assure this will not happen again in the future? How van we change the storage location of the Woodmart translations given via the Loco plug-in?



    Artem Temos

    Yes, this issue with combined scripts will be fixed in our patch update tonight.

    As for the translations, you need to make sure that you select a right location when creating a new translation with Loco Translate plugin as per our video tutorial https://prnt.sc/116hkra
    To restore this file you need to ask your hosting provider for some backup. Then you can copy your old translation file and move to the new location.



    Hello Artem,

    Thanks. So that will mean that I can activate the functionality “Combine JS” after doing the Woodmart theme update 6.00x without any hassle or problems?

    As for the translations: I will ensure the right location is checkboxed. How can I assure that for the other translations made for the Woocommerce plug-in are stored correctly? These are already made too.



    Artem Temos


    Yes, shouldn’t face any problems with this option after the patch.

    As for other plugins translations, we can’t guarantee you that they will not be lost. You need to consult with plugin’s developers on this matter.

    Kind Regards



    Hello Artem,

    In your last reaction you referred to:

    Make sure that all your translations are stored in wp-content/languages/themes/ folder. Then you will never lose your translations.

    Loco Translate reffers to another path:

    Loco Translate provides a “safe” directory at the custom location “wp-content/languages/loco”. Files saved here will not be deleted or modified during WordPress updates. If your bundle can load files from our custom folder then this is the best place to save them.

    That means that I need to save plugin translations into:

    And theme translations into: languages/loco/themes/woodmart-nl_NL.po. That’s another path as you mentoined before. The source of what I quoted is: https://localise.biz/wordpress/plugin/faqs/files-deleted

    What’s now the right thing to do?



    Artem Temos

    Yes, you can save them in languages/loco folder. The main rule here is not to save in the plugin/theme’s folder itself. For example wp-content/themes/woodmart/languages



    Hello Artem,

    Thanks for your clear explanation. Helps a lot! I’ve now done the following:
    Saved Woodmart theme translations under: languages/themes/woodmart-nl_NL.po
    And saved the WooCommerce translations under: languages/loco/plugins/woocommerce-nl_NL.po

    This will not conflict in the near future by updates?



    Artem Temos

    Yes, that’s the right way. Now you will not have any problems after updates.
    We would like to recommend you create your website full backup before any update 🙂



    Hello Arthem,

    Really appreciate it. Thank you!
    What’s the best way to make an website back-up that covers all the neccesary parts of the Woodmart theme?



    Artem Temos


    We recommend you consult with your hosting provider to set up some backups mechanisms.

    Kind Regards

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