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Dokan / WCFM styling

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  • #282182


    Hi Xtemos,
    Could you please provide us with screenshots of the dokan / WCFM Woodmart theme styling which you mention in update 6.0? I’m wondering how it looks. I tried to update my site to 6.0, but it broke some of the customizations, so I had to use 5.3 instead.

    Can we use the Dokan / WCFM theme stying on the previous update 5.3? I would highly appreciate it.

    Kind regards,


    Bogdan Donovan


    In the latest theme update we refactor our theme styles to implement and take advantage of CSS variables. This allows us to reduce theme styles and make theme settings option more flexible. In general there is no big changes in Dokan and WPML plugin styles, just implementation of CSS variables in previous Woodmart theme styles related to Dokan and WPML.

    Main changes for WPML:
    – improved compatibility of currency and language switcher widgets with Theme Settings => Styles and colors => Forms options.

    Main changes for DOKAN:
    – Dokan pages now inherits Theme Settings => Styles and colors => Forms options (https://prnt.sc/11br0zt).
    – Dokan pages now inherits Theme Settings => Styles and colors => Buttons options.
    – To increase performance and avoid icon conflicts Dokan is forced to use Font Awesome 5 icons from Elementor or WPBakery page builders.

    You can also check Dokan dashboard on our demo site https://woodmart.xtemos.com/handmade/

    Best Regards

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