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improve Performance

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  • #286598

    nima ahmadi

    Hi, my problem is that I test the speed with the page speed insight tool
    The speed on mobile is extremely low
    And we bought the wp fastest cache plugin, but the speed on mobile is still poor
    Is there a way to speed up?
    Most of the application plugins have been used and mostly manpower has been used for the work. HTML CSS JS
    Thank you for finding a solution for me


    Artem Temos


    We have tested your website and found a few problems that you should fix first to speed up your website.

    1. There are some errors on your website. Probably, they are caused by your hosting server or installed plugins. https://gyazo.com/937f43537b958a656a144b3d5c2c0a57

    2. Your home page size is 5MB+ which is too much. It may be due to large not optimized images, JS, CSS files, plugins etc. https://prnt.sc/122xviv

    3. Turn off all third-party plugins first and optimize your website. Then, add necessary plugins one by one and check the speed accordingly.

    4. Use some CDN service like KeyCDN.

    5. We recommend you uninstall the Slider revolution plugin since it is too heavy if you want to get a high score in Google page speed. You can replace it with our WoodMart slider instead https://xtemos.com/docs/woodmart/woodmart-slider/

    Kind Regards


    nima ahmadi

    Thank you and your guidance, but the issue is now
    In the case of woodmart-slider, you can not link to the entire slider.


    Artem Temos

    We recommend you use some kind of button element on the slider. Otherwise, you will never get more than 40-50 points on mobile devices.

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