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Background image appearing randomly

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  • #293162


    I am using woodmart template, with the latest version. However i have noticed the following error:-

    The background image keeps changing. We have not set any background, and we want only white background on all our pages. However randomly different images appear in background on all pages. I am attaching a screenshot for the same

    It is hard to replicate the error, as this happens randomly. We do not change any code, and the background image appears and then dissappears. We DO NOT want to have any background image



    it did not let me upload the image file

    You must be logged in to view attached files.


    I saw the screenshot you attached and visited your website and there is no such issue as you mentioned.

    Screenshot for Clarification: https://gyazo.com/558c9d37fbf30dc70a9d7dab7263c4a7

    Xtemos Studios



    Yes i know. That is the problem. We do not make any changes to the code. However the background images comes and goes away by itself. I am not sure how to replicate the problem as we never make any coding changes.
    This problem happens on different computers also (not cache problem) and on mobile phones also. The screenshot I sent you, that was the background image few hours ago, but now it is working fine.
    Can you look into this



    Can you please share the WP admin login details of your site so I will check the settings and get back to you with a soluiton?

    Best Regards.

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