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Product Names title breaking

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  • #29529


    The Title of products is randomly disappearing. I can’t show you specifically as I just set them back as it means not appearing in invoices etc or when orders come through. The names in teh linsk also break, but switched to a custom link


    Artem Temos


    Sorry, but we don’t quite understand your issue. Could you please provide us a bit more details and describe how to reproduce or see the problem on your website?




    The Titles are breaking. It happens randomly possibly when the cache is cleared. Its hard to replicate but it just happened again there. They all revert to no title on wp backend. On front end Where the title is is blank on page.

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    Artem Temos

    Are you able to test is it happen with default WordPress theme too? It seems to be some issue not related to our theme.



    It happens randomly. SO defaulting to the default theme wont do anything but i just did it now all widgets are broke and need to add back. The old theme had same set up and had not got this issue


    Artem Temos

    But we need to know what exactly causes the problem. We are not able to fix the issue if we don’t know how it happens and is it our theme issue at all. We never face such problem on other websites with our theme. Are you able to find some algorithm and understand how to reproduce it? If it happens randomly then we suggest you create a clone website with the same configuration and check it without additional plugins and with default theme for example.



    Issue seems to be with theme and WPML CMS Nav


    Artem Temos

    Do you mean that it happens only when our theme is activated? How did you reproduce the issue? Do you have a development website where we can see this problem too?



    Yes seems to be but its hard to show that as it happens at random. Seems to be to do with WPML cms nav plugin


    Artem Temos

    In this case, you need to contact WPML plugin support for help if it happens with their plugin.



    Alright I will and get back to you


    Artem Temos

    OK, contact us if you will have any additional information.

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