actually I am building my Webshop. I am not that much professional but I was able to do alot of work my own.
Now I have a problem.
I am offering a “Service” and the customer should be able to click different “extra” packages.
So lets say the Base-Product is 100 USD. And the Customer is able to add 2-5 extra options.
Every option has always a static Price-Increasment.
1. Base Product = 100 USD
Optional Buy = Yes/No? (+20 USD/+0USD)
Optional Buy 2 = Yes/No? (+ 10USD/+0USD)
I already know that I need to use “Variations” but I realized that I need to manually type in every End-Price my own.
Like This:
BaseProduct + Yes + No = xxx Price
BaseProduct + No + Yes = xxx Price
BaseProduct + Yes + Yes = xxx Price
… and so on.
That is alot of working.
Isnt there a way to tell the system:
It doesnt matter which option is selected before – but if Customer selects at
“Optional Buy 2” = “Yes” -> + 10 USD