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To much Variations – How to handle easy?

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    actually I am building my Webshop. I am not that much professional but I was able to do alot of work my own.

    Now I have a problem.

    I am offering a “Service” and the customer should be able to click different “extra” packages.

    So lets say the Base-Product is 100 USD. And the Customer is able to add 2-5 extra options.
    Every option has always a static Price-Increasment.

    1. Base Product = 100 USD

    Optional Buy = Yes/No? (+20 USD/+0USD)
    Optional Buy 2 = Yes/No? (+ 10USD/+0USD)

    I already know that I need to use “Variations” but I realized that I need to manually type in every End-Price my own.

    Like This:

    BaseProduct + Yes + No = xxx Price
    BaseProduct + No + Yes = xxx Price
    BaseProduct + Yes + Yes = xxx Price

    … and so on.

    That is alot of working.
    Isnt there a way to tell the system:
    It doesnt matter which option is selected before – but if Customer selects at
    “Optional Buy 2” = “Yes” -> + 10 USD



    Thank you very much for choosing our theme and for contacting us.

    You will have to configure Woocommerce or find additional plugins for your purpose. WoodMart theme just stipulates the site view and does not influence the default Woocommerce.

    Best Regards

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