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2: On mobile devices: How to add Search Form below Logo?

Check: https://ibb.co/jM0Y5YN

I tried to add Search form on Header Bottom, but it didn’t work.

Check: https://ibb.co/cbp6gdg

3: On mobile devices: How to show username after loginging in on mobile devices. I could do that on MAC and desktop mode, but not on Mobile mode.

Check: https://ibb.co/mbtspP3 (After logging in, all these 3 default points do not show username. They just show My Account.

Only one area shows username after logging in. I added Account Login/Register Links to the Top Bar and checkmarked username:

Check: https://ibb.co/s99RSNz

Then, that area is the only place where I can see Username after logging in.

Check: https://ibb.co/VjWq2P4

4 If I add more languages to the site, how can I change the Currencies accordingly. For instance, when users open a Vietnamese language page, they must see VND. And if they change that to an English page, they must see USD. How can I do that?