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Website brokes after every theme settings update

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  • #304416


    i have a problem with woodmart theme. After every theme settings update (even if I don’t change anything) and cache clear the site brokes. Half of the functions, icons, top bar etc. dissapears.

    To repair i need to import some sample page once again.



    Thank you very much for choosing our theme and for contacting us.

    Please, provide your site admin access to the private area.

    Please confirm the permit for us to deactivate the plugins not related to the theme and switch to the parent theme for the while of checking what may take up to 15 minutes. Please make the full backup of your site.

    Best Regards



    Password in private content. I confirm.



    Please check your site now. I have checked when I change a setting, save it works properly.

    As soon as you check, activate the plugins one by one checkingg the site to detect which one causes the problem. Finaly, activate the chicld theme.

    Best Regards



    after your save it’s not working properly. Main issues which allows you to identify that there is a problem is top bar which is turned on but is not showing or promo popup which is not showing properly.



    You have disabled the top bar and as the result, it does not appear: https://gyazo.com/050508122f3d0822cbde06bf07a5a48b and I add elements header works: https://gyazo.com/f6da9456fcd8e279b78f7ea160ff4185

    As for the popup, it also works, I have added a top bar menu, one menu item contains the class calling the popup this itme is Newsletter.
    The content is white as the plugin you use is not compatible. https://gyazo.com/fb0f58c9fae2d7e6a3d25df0d8d3b050
    I am checking adding a slider and content works.

    To sum up: remove the elemnts I have added to the header and add yours.
    Edit the HTML block for the popup and insert there Newsletter plugin related to the theme.

    Best Regards



    as you can see on your screenshot it’s not working. The icons near my account, categories are broken. About top bar I wasn’t precise, I was taking about: “Header banner” which is turned on and not showing. To be precise I’m showing you on screenshot:

    At the beginning it looks like this https://ibb.co/zssYYsZ and: https://ibb.co/Q9Ldtq0 after clicking https://ibb.co/R9bWX1F (even without any changes) it broke and looks like this: https://ibb.co/WKSMTLt (header banner dissapeares, icons too) and popup goes white: https://ibb.co/tMqNnLn



    Please check this article: https://xtemos.com/docs/woodmart/icons-has-been-disappeared/

    HTTP and HTTPS configuration is incorrect: https://domain.com is the actual site URL, however, http://domain.com is used in Dashboard > Settings > General. In this case, it is necessary to configure URLs correctly. Most of the problems would be resolved.

    We have recently released 6.1.4. Please update the theme.

    Header ban

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