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Video in pop up continue playing when I close the pop up

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  • #312344


    Hi! I have added a video with the shortcode (vimeo video) with autoplay in the code.

    This video is inside a woodmart pop up block. To launch the pop up I am using your woodmart pop up widget in Elementor.

    The problem is that when I close the pop up the video keeps playing on.

    I have tried to use the video widget included in the theme but it has a lot of problems (the video does not autoplay and it is not responsive) so It is not a solution.

    I will apreciate your help.



    Please test this video in Elementor on any default theme, and advise if Elementor supports this video format.

    Best Regards



    Vimeo Format? Sure! Every theme in the world accept a Vimeo embed! That is not the question. Please dont reply a question with a question with an obvious answer. If you can not solve this then be clear and have it fixed asap and let me know, this should not happen, you should fix the shortcode problem or your own video widget problem that does not autoload as it should and does not resize properly in mobile as it should.



    Please provide the page URL and what button/action calls the popup.

    Best Regards

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