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HTML block on product category page bug?

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  • #313009



    I notice that 1 in every 10 page loads or so of the product category page, the content of the HTML block is not aligned properly, see http://prntscr.com/1q5y1rm. When I refresh the page (F5), it appears normal again.

    Is this a bug that once in every few loads this happens? What can be done to prevent this?


    Artem Temos


    Could you please send us a link to your website where we can see this issue?

    Kind Regards



    Thanks, but my website is in maintenance mode at the moment so can’t share a live site at this point. It’s hard to ‘catch’ the bug too, as it doesn’t happen every time. I can send additional screenshots or info if necessary.


    Artem Temos

    Sorry, but we can’t identify the issue without being able to see it on your website. Please, let us know when you will be able to share with us your staging or live website link.

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