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Attribute Archive Page Modification

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  • #31577


    Hi there,

    I know this is not directly related to your theme, but I thought you could help me with that and it might be a good one to add to your theme as well.

    When you enable Archives for an attribute it creates a page for it, but the title of that page is not very good and needs improvement. As you can see in the screenshot, the attribute term (big) is shown alone which is a bit confusing, can we modify it with some filter to have it like this?

    Products with %attribute name%: %attribute term%

    which for this specific example translates to: Products with Frame Size: big

    Also in the breadcrumbs, “Home/ Product Frame Size Big” needs to become this “Home/ Products with Frame Size Big”

    That would be great if you could have some translatable phrases for those changes. I’d really appreciate it if you could help me with that.


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    Artem Temos


    We can try to modify the page title for you if you will provide us your FTP access. We will check if it is possible and if it will work well for you then include in the update too. As for breadcrumbs, they are generated by WooCommerce and we are not able to modify it.





    Thanks for your reply. But let me ask another question before moving forward. I’d really appreciate it if you could take your time to read it.

    I’m having a hard time figuring out how to categorize my products. I have a few main categories which are: racquets, bags, balls, shirts and ….

    The thing that confuses me the most is how I should assign brands to my products; I want to have orderings based on categories and brands, for example I need a specific page for “Wilson racquets” to put its link in a menu. Initially I used the built-in brand/attribute system which produces urls like example.com/shop/product-category/racuqets/?filter_brand=wilson This seems OK, but as you know this is not a SEO friendly URL and it doesn’t allow me to add description of my brands.

    But by enabling Archives for a given attribute, it produces a pretty link for that attribute like this one: example.com/shop/brand/wilson/ It’s a step towards what I want but it has its own problems. That link lists all products for the Wilson brand and there is no way to limit the products based on categories, the categories menu in the header also is not helpful and takes us to brand-free category listings again.

    So my question is how I should classify my products in an elegant and rational way based on the explanation above? I need to have a SEO friendly URL for each category based on its brand.

    Would you think I need to create sub-categories for brands? It doesn’tt sound very smart.



    Artem Temos


    As you can see, it is not possible to have archives for two taxonomies at the same time. That is why we developed our brands functionality on product attributes base. Unfortunately, we don’t have other solution to this problem. The only one improvement we can suggest – is to display brands description on pages like that example.com/shop/product-category/racuqets/?filter_brand=wilson. But it will require additional code customization so we will be able to add it our future updates.




    Thanks for your reply.

    Is it possible to include an archive page (like:example.com/shop/product-category/racuqets/?filter_brand=wilson) in a page? For example, I create a page for “Wilson raquets” and then call that archive page inside it. I know we can use WPBakery to load elements like “products attribute”, but what about loading an archive page with all its functions?



    Artem Temos

    Sorry, but we are not aware of this option either. There is only one shop page could be created in WooCommerce.



    Thanks, so it’s not possible to create a custom page (Ex. for Wilson racquets) and call products inside it using a shortcake or so, is that right?

    When I use “products (grid or carousel)” to include products in a page, it doesn’t show the sorting order and the AJAX product filters also don’t work properly.



    Artem Temos

    Yes, you can create such page, but all shopping functionality like AJAX filters, sort widgets and so on work only on the real shop page.

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