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Filter by price not working

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  • #324980


    Filter by price not working and i don’t know why.
    Can you help me please?

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    Please update the Woocommerce and Woocommerce database, this message would appear after Woocommerce update, then check the issue, if the problem presists, deactivate all the plugins except these ones:

    Slider Revolution
    WPBakery Page Builder or Elementor
    Woodmart Core
    Contact Form 7
    MailChimp for WordPress
    Safe SVG
    switch to the parent theme

    If the problem has gone, activate the plugins one by one, checking the issue to detect which one causes the problem.

    Best Regards



    Thanks for the immediate reply, but in the end the problem was not fixed. I updated woocommerce and with wp-optimize i optimized databases, then i turned off all plugins except those you said and still the problem remains.
    I have left the plugins deactivated to see if you can find the problem.

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    Please make the full backup of your site and check the issue on the Storefront theme to detect if our theme causes the problem. Storefront is a free theme developed by WooСommerce.

    Best Regards



    At the end, the problem was probably due to the import of products from an external file. I corrected the prices on the products and the problem was solved.
    However, the slider bar does not appear. Only the prices by groups.
    So instend using your “WOODMART price filter” i use “Filter Products by Price”



    Have you checked how it works on the Storefront theme? Does the Price slider appear on the Storefornt?

    Best Regards



    It’s all fine. Thank you very much


    You are welcome! We are here to help.

    Wish you a wonderful day!

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