It seems to me, that the Preloader in its current form could use some tweaking. (Theme Settings > Performance > Preloader). I have two questions that you could hopefully answer.
1. When the Preloader is working and its splash screen is being displayed, it is hiding the scrollbar (by overflow:hidden, I guess). This means, that once the preloader animation is gone, you can see the website quickly “shifting” to the left once the scrollbar appears on the right.
How to disable overflow:hidden when the Preloader is working?
This is easy to see/test if you open a page that is not long enough to produce a scrollbar, or zoom out the page so that the scrollbar disappears, and then check the Preloader animation again.
2. In the Preloader settings, the option to add image is named “Animated image”. What do you mean by animated image? If this field is left blank, there is indeed an animated loading wheel being displayed as default (wd-preloader-img). How to add a custom Animated image here as the name of the field suggests, for example a SVG logo that is zooming in slightly, like on this website: https://www.bio-lux.eu/ (by the way, the preloader here is not using overflow:hidden)