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Hot to change "Shop" into "Catalogue"

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    The website I’m working on will be currently be used as a catalogue and not a shop. Is it possible to change “Shop” into “Catalogue”?


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    Please try to change the title of the page that is set as the shop page, change it to “Catalog”, if you want to change the slug as well you would better create a new page “Catalog” and set it as the shop page in Woocommerce > Settings > Product tab.

    If you have any questions please feel free to contact us.

    Best Regards




    Please find my message in Private Content area.



    Please set the page you have created as the shop page as shown: https://gyazo.com/30ff1333c6f8af47173146db14e921f4

    Then check how it works.

    Best Regards




    As I explained before, after setting Catalogue page as new Shop page in WhooCommerce settings, the products are not showing.

    Also, now after setting in WhooCommerce “Catalogue” page ( https://livela.es/catalogue/) as Shop page, it is still showing “Shop” page (https://livela.es/shop) as WhooCommerce Shop page but without products. Please see screenshots attached. Yesterday when I set “Catalogue” page as new Shop page in WhooCommerce settings, the new page “Catalogue” was showing but, without the products which was the first matter of this ticket. Now, the new page is not showing the same as the products.

    The goal is to make appear the products with shop filters after clicking on “CATALOGUE” in main menu.


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    Please clear the site and browser cache and check again: https://gyazo.com/034c4b197442536de90373a3a540245

    If you have any questions please feel free to contact us.

    Best Regards




    Please note that the link which you sent me is not working. I tried several times cleaning site and browser cache and the problem persists. Did you read my previous message?




    You have set “Shop” instead of “Catalog” https://gyazo.com/e7ddd95c4b417acb120615055c207fb6

    I am confused as to when I checked your site last time, the shop page title had “catalog” now it is shop again.

    Best Regards




    I sent you the WP admin credentials so you can test it by yourself, changing the page setting in WhooCommerce as I explained before and where the issue appears.

    I changed the shop page to “Shop” because the client needs to take a look on the website but, this has no role to play in this matter.

    Please, the problem which we need to solve is that after setting “Catalogue” page as Shop page in WhooCommerce setting, the products just don’t appear by clicking on “CATALOGUE” in main menu. So the goal is to set “Catalogue” page as Shop page and to make the products appear under “Catalogue” as this website won’t use the online shop for now.

    It is taking too long solving this issue so please, try to help me solving this issue ASAP.


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    I have set the Catalog as the shop page. I see the Product categories widget that is added to the Shop page widget area: https://gyazo.com/6d57729ba7b6b26bda7dcae4c37c65b3 and https://gyazo.com/31c5c51978b902fe6fee7cfdb192ddcf

    I did not see attributes as you have assigned one product to one attribute item. You should have assigned more products, otherwise, the filter has nothing to sort out. I have added attributes to two more products filters that have appeared. I leave the attributes in these products for now so that you could check and see. As soon as you check, please delete them from BABY | Silky Body Lotion and HAIR | Protective Conditioner.

    I see you have added some kind of customized code into the shop page widget area, please remove this. This sidebar is for the Woocommerce widgets only.

    If you have any questions please feel free to contact us.

    Best Regards



    Hi Elise,

    Thank you very much for your help! You won’t believe it but, the issue was in the Menu settings. I don’t know how but, when I added “Catalogue” page in main left menu it just did not connected to the Catalogue page, so when I changed in WhooCommerce settings the Shop page it didn’t show the products. As I was always clicking on “CATALOGUE” in main menu the page just did not appear. So I deleted the “Catalogue” page in main menu settings adding it again and now it is working fine. This is why we could not understand each other and you definitely helped me to discover where the issue was. Again, thank you very much for your patience!

    Best regards.


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    Thank you in advance

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