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Translation of the Blog standard texts

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  • #329540


    Good morning,

    Can you help me to translate from english those standard texts of the blog pages. Like, for instant:
    1.- the text of the botton “Continue reading…” when you only show partially of the text of the post
    2.- “newer” and “older” to go to the next or previous post
    3.- ·Archive by -the corresponding category-”

    Thank you


    Luke Nielsen


    The best way to translate the text from the blog page is to use the “Loco Translate” plugin, go to Loco Translate -> Themes -> select your theme -> select a language (The language should be the same as your WordPress, for example, if you have the default language in WordPress – English, then you need to create in the Loco Translate the same language) -> there click on the “Sync” button to synchronize all strings from the theme, and in the search field write “Continue reading”, “older” etc. and select it from below, create your translation and click “Save”



    Here is a video tutorial about Loco Translate:


    Kind Regards



    Great! It’s fantastic this pluggin


    Luke Nielsen


    Let us know if there’s anything else we can do for you! You can always reach us at any time.

    Have a wonderful day.

    Kind Regards

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