okay i know, that will be a little difficult for you to reproduce, even for me…
but i read some threads here about that topic and maybe it’s a known issue to you.
sometimes there is a strange behaviour with image galleries of variable products.
product A has 3 colors (red, blue, green) and 3 sizes (S, M, L).
all variations/combinations are applied when the product was added in backend.
if one variation gallery has less pics then the previous seen one, some pics from the previous variation gallery keep visible.
product A -> GREEN has 3 pics in variation gallery and product A -> RED hast 2 pics in variation gallery. so if you switch from GREEN to RED the last green pic stays in the gallerie (no matter what kind of gallery is choosen in the backend).
this also happens if you switch from the main gallery to a variation gallery.
unfortunately, this happens sometimes, not always. but i couldn’t reproduce it. maybe you’ve a info.
second questions:
which click triggers to load a new variation gallery if you got different attributes like size, color etc…
is it possible to define that?