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Settings and widgets lost after restore backup.

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    I have restored a full backup of my website (files and database) to a new hosting provider. The backup was generated from a version of the site where all is working and styled correctly.

    After done, I could see that the header settings and the footer widgets resets to Woodmart default settings and style.

    Everything else (posts, pages, plugins, users, media…) is restored correctly.

    When accessing to WordPress manager > Woodmart > Header builder, I don’t see the header I have created previosly to my backup. What I’m doing wrong? How Can I get the backup restore all?

    Thank you very much.




    Please try and migrate the complete website using the Duplicator plugin.

    Best Regards



    Hi Aizaz,

    This is not possible as the old server crashed and the website is lost.
    I only have the backup but when I restore it I don’t see the website as it was when I made the backup.



    Artem Temos


    Please, restore this backup one more time and send us your admin, FTP, and database access so we can check why this data is missing.

    Kind Regards



    Hi, I think I find the problem. I have tried to restore the backup in a temporary different domain (changing in the database the real domain by the temporary one). In this case the website after restore the backup doesn’t work correctly, but if I restore the backup in the exact same domain, then It works perfect. So my fault. thank you very much.


    Artem Temos

    We are glad that you sorted it out. Let me know if you need any further assistance.

    Have a nice day!

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