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Artem Temos


Try to add the following PHP code snippet to the child theme functions.php file to fix this

function woodmart_add_brands_to_structured_data( $markup ) {
	global $post;

	if ( isset( $markup['brand'] ) ) {
		return $markup;

	$brands = get_the_terms( $post->ID, woodmart_get_opt( 'brands_attribute' ) );

	if ( ! empty( $brands ) && is_array( $brands ) ) {
		// Can only return one brand, so pick the first.
		$markup['brand'] = array(
			'@type' => 'Brand',
			'name'  => $brands[0]->name,

	return $markup;

add_filter( 'woocommerce_structured_data_product', 'woodmart_add_brands_to_structured_data', 20 );

Kind Regards