Home Forums WoodMart support forum Make a transition to the product card in 2 clicks without expanding the descript

Make a transition to the product card in 2 clicks without expanding the descript

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  • #338193


    Now goes to the product in only 3 clicks…



    Could you provide more details about the issue? Please describe the actions step by step to reproduce the problem.

    If you have any questions please feel free to contact us.

    Best Regards



    If you open the site from a mobile phone -> go to any category of products, the products will appear -> by clicking once on the product, a magnifying glass will appear, etc. near the product -> by clicking a second time, the description of the product will open to the end -> and only by clicking the third time on the product, the product card will open … How to remove step 2-3? So that the first click shows a magnifying glass, etc., and the second click on the product opens the product card?



    You need to enable the option “Open product on click on mobile” when the user clicks on the product on mobile devices, the product page will be opened on the first click.

    If you have any questions please feel free to contact us.

    Best Regards




    “Open product on click on mobile”

    Where i can find this option?



    This option is provided in the Theme Settings > Product Archives > Product styles when you chose the Summary on hover.

    Best Regards

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