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Keep mobile sidebar open for multiple filters selection

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  • #338200

    Premium Bike Wear


    Coming back on post #248396 : to prevent the off canvas sidebar from hiding again after every single filter selection. Your reply on this post was to disable the off canvas sidebar, but this makes the sidebar completely disappear on mobile (“show sidebar” dissappears). Something I’m overlooking perhaps?




    Please, provide your site admin access (insert the site credentials into the Private content block under the message area).

    Best Regards


    Premium Bike Wear

    Hi Elise,

    Added in private block



    Premium Bike Wear

    Hi Elise,

    Only now just discovered the sidebar is completely under all the products on mobile when disabling the off canvas, but that’s practically the same as disappeared. So I would need for the off canvas to remain enabled but without auto hiding again after every single filter selection.




    There are two ways: off-canvas on mobile and sidebar under the product grid, you can enable top filters https://gyazo.com/16488e2c518dee06dfb139301faaf61c

    You can find this option in the Theme Settings > Product Archives > Shop filters, then add filter widgets in Appearance > Widgets > Shop filters widget area: https://xtemos.com/docs/woodmart/widgets/

    If you have any questions please feel free to contact us.

    Best Regards


    Premium Bike Wear

    Hi Elise,

    Just noticed the “Stop close filters after click” option in “Shop filters” (top filters). I guess this option is not possible for the off canvas sidebar?




    There is the option to keep it always open or open by click. This area is always before the product grid.

    Best Regards


    Premium Bike Wear

    Hi Elise,

    Might you consider adding this option in the near future (not to have the off canvas sidebar close after every click, but only manually), like for the “shop filters”?




    I will submit this request to our developers.

    If you have any questions please feel free to contact us.

    Best Regards


    Premium Bike Wear

    Hi Elise,

    Many thanks for considering this option. Preferred way of working would be without a “show results” button, so just filter after every click (like the sidebar works already) and close the off canvas sidebar with the “X” when the customer is done, like the top filters.




    I have submitted your request to the development department.

    Best Regards

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