Home Forums WoodMart support forum AJAX ERROR Cant Import dummy content to start working

AJAX ERROR Cant Import dummy content to start working

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  • #340094



    I have tried to install the dummy content manually and automatic with no luck on either method. Im trying to install electronics version with no luck.

    If you could help me to do so would be great, and as well tell me what was the issue so I do not run into this issue again in the future.


    Artem Temos


    Thank you for contacting us!

    Please, send us admin access to the website where our theme is installed and we will import the dummy content for you.

    Kind Regards



    Hi, i sent it already under private content, but will send again.


    Artem Temos

    But as we can see, our theme is not activated there.



    Yes, I deactivated it because of the import ajax issue, but I will activate it now, if thats the issue. If you check, now it is.


    Artem Temos

    Please, keep all external plugins temporarily disabled so we can try to run the import.
    Note that you have a lot of created content with your previous theme so our theme content may break it and also have some conflicts. So it would be better to import our dummy content on empty website for the best result.



    Ok, Seems like a good idea, to leave your theme only, I know you dont have to, but would like to backup only Categories, Products, Images Variations and all that matters to products only. Could you point me in the right direction to leave the site ready for you? Thank you!


    Artem Temos

    We recommend you ask your hosting provider to create a backup for you. Probably, you will be able to create a full backup only.

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