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Ecommerce product navigation has slow response time or doesn't response correctl

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  • #35551


    Hi there! our nav menu found here http://ofdist.wpengine.com/shop responds incredibly slow when clicking a category like “Tables” or “Seating” or “Office Desks” — any of them, really. At times we can’t see that it’s loading anything. For example, you will be in the Seating catgeory http://ofdist.wpengine.com/category/seating/ and when you click http://ofdist.wpengine.com/category/tables/ it will beegin loading that link, but it will then change the link in the URL bar BACK to http://ofdist.wpengine.com/category/seating/. However, sometimes if you wait long enough, the correct items will show up. How can this be fixed?



    I accidentally hit enter. You can see private creds in this response.


    Artem Temos


    The problem seems to be caused by your server performance. Our AJAX requests have a timeout of 5 seconds and if they don’t get a response from the server in this time the page will be loaded in a natural way. You need to fix your server response time or disable AJAX shop option in Theme Settings -> Shop.

    Kind Regards


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