Home Forums WoodMart support forum “Text Block” Widget doesn’t support line break space

“Text Block” Widget doesn’t support line break space

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  • #366168

    Jeriss Cloud Center

    If you create a Text Block and enter a text as follow :


    The line break created simply by Enter keyboard isn’t supported. It appears in backend, but then if you publish it, it doesn’t appear in frontend. And once you edit again the Text Block, the line break disappears.

    Why? Please support it.

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    Yes, it may be and WooMart theme does not influence that this is WP bakery functionality. Please consider dividing the text into several text blocks and using the WP bakery separator element as shown: https://prnt.sc/pYchLHuU8oHc

    If you have any questions please feel free to contact us.

    Best Regards


    Jeriss Cloud Center

    That’s not true. The default text block from WPBakery supports the line breaks. Please review the issue. Thanks



    I have tested the same in the default WP bakery text block and see the same: https://gyazo.com/6810313079f550e47cdd68bcddadd2cf

    It is WP bakery page way of working and WoodMart does not influence that. The WoodMart text block is based on the default Text block functionality.

    If you have any questions please feel free to contact us.

    Best Regards

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