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Site Width Not Working

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  • #368159


    Hi, i want Full Width site in some container but it is not possible. I want like “stretch section” option. But on my site in woodmart settings General Layout, Full width option not working. Only Full width Content option working. When i selected full width content option all page going full width. I want 1600px header,footer and content. But i want color full widht container for some sections.It is not possible now becouse general container blocking all sections. I thing you need add more customization option like header and footer container width. Becouse i want header and footer width 1600px and page full width background color for some sections.


    Bogdan Donovan


    Please, provide us with your admin access so we can log in and check this on your side.

    Thank you in advance.



    I share with u my website’s info.


    Bogdan Donovan


    You have enabled and built your home page with the experimental “Flexbox Container” (https://prnt.sc/u-Dl9Kx4gEGY) feature that is currently in the Alpha development stage. Because it is an experimental feature it is not fully supported by our theme and doesn’t have “Stretch section” options as default sections have. We recommend you disable this feature before it will be completely released and build your home page with the use of default sections, in another case, unfortunately, your issue cant be resolved.

    Kind Regards



    Thank you for information, it is clearly fix everything. Thanks…


    Bogdan Donovan

    You are welcome!

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