Home Forums WoodMart support forum Woodmart 6.3.0 Beta Version Test on Staging Site – Few issues and Bugs details Reply To: Woodmart 6.3.0 Beta Version Test on Staging Site – Few issues and Bugs details


Bogdan Donovan


11. This issue is caused by your custom code. Try to remove it first (video https://gyazo.com/fc57bf26d3b80fdc33ae0f107c63458c).

12. a) We have checked your Product title, Short product description, Product description and it is looking the same on both live and staging site (screenshot https://prnt.sc/mMyp57kT1UMU).

12. b) Try to use the following custom code.

.wd-product-nav-desc .wd-entities-title {
		text-overflow: ellipsis;
    overflow: hidden;
    width: 100%;
    max-width: 165px;
    white-space: nowrap;

body .wd-products-nav .wd-dropdown {
	min-width: 280px;

12. с.) Try to use the following custom code.

.woocommerce-tabs .wd-nav[class*="wd-style-underline"] .nav-link-text {
	position: static;

body .wd-nav[class*="wd-style-underline"]>li:hover:not(.active)>a .nav-link-text:after {
	width: 0%

.woocommerce-tabs .wd-nav.wd-style-underline-reverse>li>a>.nav-link-text:after {
	top: 0;

body .woocommerce-tabs.tabs-layout-tabs .tabs li {
	min-width: 120px;
	max-width: none;
	width: auto;

body .woocommerce-tabs.tabs-layout-tabs .tabs li a {
	justify-content: center;

body .woocommerce-tabs.tabs-layout-tabs .tabs li .nav-link-text {
	line-height: 24px;

body .woocommerce-tabs.tabs-layout-tabs .tabs li.active a {
	opacity: 1;

12. d) We have checked your Price styles and it is looking the same on both live and staging site (screenshot https://prnt.sc/GggsSrwzSEpQ).

Kind Regards