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Promo popup

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  • #38765


    Hi, May i know how to make the promo popup appear to the site. I have tried all the settings in (Theme Settings>Shop>promo popup), I have change the “show popup after: some time and user scroll, and other settings, but the popup doesn’t show out. Please advise. thanks


    Artem Temos


    Try to open your page in the private window since if you already closed it will not be shown again. Or try to increase its version in Theme Settings -> Shop -> Promo popup to be able to see it again.




    Hi, how to view it in normal window instead of private window?
    How to increase the version as I can’t find the version increase option in Theme Settings -> Shop -> Promo popup



    Hi, Even if i closed it, i tried to adjust the settings and the popup suppose can reappear again after I activate this function “user scroll” or “some time”. Please advise. thanks

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    Artem Temos

    Sorry, but if you close it, you are not able to see it for next week. You need to clear your cookies in the browser or open in the private window to see it.



    Hi, how can I adjust it to make it appear frequently instead of once a week. Even when I cleared the cookies it also never appear.

    May I know how can I adjust these functions to make it appear more frequent?
    .Show popup after
    .Show after user scroll down the page
    .Show after number of pages visited

    please advise. thanks

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    Artem Temos

    But we tried to open your website and this popup appears well for us. Try to open it in the private window. If you will remove this functionality, your visitors will see the popup on each your page and that is very annoying and they will simply leave your website.



    It only appeared in my private window but not normal window. I have cleared my cookies and restart my chrome browser many times, it still never appear.

    I do not want it appear in every page, I want it appear more frequent like a period or a specific timing, but not after a week so long.

    May I know how can I adjust these functions to make it appear more frequent?
    .Show popup after
    .Show after user scroll down the page
    .Show after number of pages visited



    I managed to see it in my normal window, please advise how can I adjust the frequency of the popup window appearance. thanks.


    Artem Temos

    As we said, it appears only once and you can’t specify any frequency here, there is no such functionality in our theme.



    Hi, did you mean after close the popup window, it only will come out again in a week after?

    I would like to make the popup window look like popup2.jpg, I pasted the design code in the HTML Block, but the popup window look different(popup3.jpg). please advise. thanks

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    Artem Temos

    Yes, it is true. And you need to place the code for the popup in Text mode https://gyazo.com/49fdf6ce77b69c16f9fed31f6ee79385



    Hi, may I know how to maximize the top and bottom of the green image.
    I would like to edit the social icon image and update the social icon’s link, where can I update these? please advise. thanks

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    Artem Temos

    We see that you have added some unnecessary <p> tags that add those empty space https://gyazo.com/de671d721496e8bf1d9949ee8a2ef184

    Social icons links can be edited via Theme Settings -> Social profiles. The buttons style you can edit with WPBakery page builder.



    Hi, I actually din’t add the <p> tags. I had it tested and this is how it came out. Whenever I edit and save the amendment in the Backend Editor (WPBakery page builder), the first and last sentence of the code will auto added the <p> tags. Not sure this is normal or only me facing it. Please advise.

    Besides the dropdown menu of the social button style, if there a way for me to upload my own social button icon? Please advise, thanks.


    Artem Temos


    We just checked your website and no longer see that tags so it looks fine now.
    Unfortunately, you are not able to upload your own icons to our social buttons.




    Hi, the tags is gone now is because I had it removed again. Can you please go through the below process to see whether is there a proper way to remove the <p> tags permanently?
    Whenever I edit and save the amendment in the Backend Editor (WPBakery page builder), the first and last sentence of the code will auto added the <p> tags.

    For scroll to top button at right bottom corner, can this button replace to my own button?
    Please advise. thanks.


    Artem Temos

    We don’t know why these tags are added on your website, it doesn’t depend on our theme. Probably, you will need to remove them each time you finish the promo popup editing.

    Yes, you can find and edit the button in the file inc/functions.php file. Function name is woodmart_scroll_top_btn.




    Hi, I would like to set up the link to the database after the customer filled up the email address and click sign up button. Please advise.

    For the small envelope email button, how to set the email goes to a certain mailbox?
    please advise, thanks.

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    Artem Temos


    Sorry, but we don’t have an instruction for such customizations.

    Envelope email button is designed to allow your visitors to share your website link with their friends. It is not dedicated to contact you.




    Hi, when I filled in the email address and press sign up button, it came out a message at the bottom(as attached), what is that mean? May I know where is the form setting for this newsletter sign up?

    When I click the envelope it pops out a Outlook to ask for email account setting, how is it related to sharing? please advise. thanks

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    Artem Temos


    1. Be sure that you have selected a newsletter list for this form in your MailChimp form settings.

    2. This button use HTML mailto: type for link and it opens your mail client to send a new email. It is how share by email works.




    1. Can I know how to configure the settings? Sorry I am new to the mailchimp.
    2. Can I know how to set the link for this HTML mailto: type, I cant find the mail’s setting in the list.(as attached) please advise, thanks.

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    Artem Temos


    1. You can find all the necessary instructions in the plugin’s documentation here https://kb.mc4wp.com/

    2. As we mentioned, you are not able to specify your email there. Your visitors will enter their friends’ email to which they want to send your website link.




    Hi, my promo pop up window’s size become full screen after I updated the newer version of theme.

    May I know where should I go to adjust the window’s size back to the original size? I want the window’s size same as the demo pop up window.

    Please advise, thanks.

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    Artem Temos

    It happens because of this custom CSS code https://gyazo.com/9a520a8420fd0fda7abc45d6a758fcfc

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