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Custom Header

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  • #4254


    while lane of code will replace main nav with ajax-search bar in STICKY HEADER?

    i tried

    navigation = header.find(".widgetarea-head").clone().html(), and '<div class="widgetarea-head">' + navigation + '</div>'

    but nothing changed…

    You guys helped me to modified this before,,,but i did’t backup before I updates theme..if you can reply me the name of search bar that will be great.

                    var body = $("body"),
                        header = $(".main-header"),
                        stickyHeader = header,
                        headerHeight = getHeaderHeight(),
                        headerStickedClass = "act-scroll",
                        stickyClasses = '',
                        stickyStart = 0,
                        links = header.find('.main-nav .menu>li>a');
                    if( ! body.hasClass('enable-sticky-header') || header.length == 0 ) return;
                    var logo = header.find(".site-logo").clone().html(),
                        navigation = header.find(".main-nav").clone().html(),
                        rightColumn = header.find(".right-column").clone().html();
                    var headerClone = [
                        '<div class="sticky-header header-clone">',
                            '<div class="container">',
                                '<div class="site-logo">' + logo + '</div>',
                                '<div class="main-nav site-navigation basel-navigation">' + navigation + '</div>',
                                '<div class="right-column">' + rightColumn + '</div>',

    I have this in child theme function.php

    add_filter( 'basel_header_configuration', 'basel_custom_header_configuration', 1, 1 );
    function basel_custom_header_configuration() {
    		return array(
    			'container' => array(
    				'wrapp-header' => array(
    					'right-column' => array(

    Artem Temos


    The code should look like this

                    var body = $("body"),
                        header = $(".main-header"),
                        stickyHeader = header,
                        headerHeight = getHeaderHeight(),
                        headerStickedClass = "act-scroll",
                        stickyClasses = '',
                        stickyStart = 0,
                        links = header.find('.main-nav .menu>li>a');
                    if( ! body.hasClass('enable-sticky-header') || header.length == 0 ) return;
                    var logo = header.find(".site-logo").clone().html(),
                        navigation = header.find(".widgetarea-head").clone().html(),
                        rightColumn = header.find(".right-column").clone().html();
                    var headerClone = [
                        '<div class="sticky-header header-clone">',
                            '<div class="container">',
                                '<div class="site-logo">' + logo + '</div>',
                                '<div class="widgetarea-head">' + navigation + '</div>',
                                '<div class="right-column">' + rightColumn + '</div>',

    And you need to replace this part inside the js/functions.js file and diable JS minification in Theme Settings -> Performance.


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