Home Forums WoodMart support forum Masonry images gallery not working properly when used with tabs Reply To: Masonry images gallery not working properly when used with tabs



Sorry for the inconvenience caused. Please try out the following Custom JS code on your Site. The code needs to be placed in the “On document ready” field in Theme Settings:

jQuery('.wd-tabs .wd-nav-tabs > li').on('click', function(e) {
	setTimeout(function() {
		if ( woodmartThemeModule.hasOwnProperty('imagesGalleryMasonry') ) {
		if ( woodmartThemeModule.hasOwnProperty('imagesGalleryJustified') ) {
	}, 100);

See this image to know the place to paste the JS code: https://snipboard.io/uJTKO2.jpg

Best Regards