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Icon on Image

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  • #433149


    Hi guys!

    I wanted to bring to your attention the following:

    – Only for viewing in Mobile, on the shop page, could you make sure to remove the icons and labels on the images as much as possible? (This is essential for an eCommerce to make the part of the image clear and clean from any icon, label or writing is very important to make navigation more pleasant and tidy to the eye) — See attached image

    In practice .. to solve what has been said, some icons or labels could be moved to the position of the title or under the price itself, moving everything to the written part, in this way it would be perfect and it could make navigation and display more orderly.

    Can you make this change for me? if there is a way to do it also through a custom code?

    Or if you can make this change in the next updates.. please guys! is very important!

    Let me know

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    Firstly, thanks for sharing your suggestions with us. We appreciate that and will try to forward it to the Development Department to further consider for future updates.

    But the thing here is, as you know there isn’t much space available under the Mobile view to adjust everything according to as per we want them to be because every content takes its own place and space and are adjusted in such a manner that there responsiveness might not effect with the design layout being used. Now, the change that you are asking regarding the Labels and Action buttons to move under the Price or Product Title isn’t possible eventually because of the fact that every content then needs to be made position absolute which makes them free from their parent containers and then every element position need to be made absolute and adjusted accordingly which might turn into a hectic & time consuming task and isn’t feasible for every one to act upon.

    So, the alternative possibility here is to remove the Labels and Action buttons for the Mobile view on your Site which can be done with Custom CSS being applied.

    So, to hide the Wishlist and other Action buttons for Mobile view, please try using the below Custom CSS code and paste it to Dashboard >> Theme Settings >> Custom CSS >> Custom CSS for the mobile section:

    .product-grid-item .wd-buttons {
        display: none ;
    And for the Labels removal, please try using the following Custom CSS at the same said location:
    .product-labels.labels-rectangular {
        display: none ;

    Hope this helps !

    Best Regards



    Ciao Aizaz!

    Grazie per il tuo aiuto come sempre! 🙂

    Già ho provveduto alla rimozione solo dell’icona preferiti, purtroppo quella delle label serve e non posso eliminarla dalla visuale.

    Per quanto riguarda lo spazio di cui mi parlavi, in realtà se sviluppate questa funzione che possa distaccarsi dai contenitori genitori ma dividere proprio i due Blocchi parte Sinistra Imagine e parte Destra Contenuti come Titolo, Label, prezzo ecc.. credo che invece potrebbe entrare bene tutto.. Prendete come esempio AMAZON o eBay loro fanno in questo modo.. ciò vuol dire che questo metodo è il migliore, ed effettivamente ho avuto riscontri anche con i miei clienti.

    Capisco che lo spazio sia poco, ma se messo bene, come utilizzano AMAZON e eBAY potete farlo sicuramente anche voi, non credo sia una cosa impossibile.. se ci riescono gli altri.. DOVETE riuscirci anche voi! (per questo ti posto delle immagini come esempio di quello che intendo) Se noti bene.. mettono tutto al giusto posto, giusti spazzi, e riescono a mettere le cose più importanti che si possano vedere.. Le cose importanti sono: Titolo, Prezzo, Prezzo Scontato, Sconto, Recensioni, Promo ecc.. tutto ciò che da Importanza al Prodotto stesso.. e nello stesso momento l’immagine è pulita e semplice! Questo rende un eCommerce molto più Professionale.. e Sono sicuro che voi potete fare Tutto questo! il vostro Tema l’ho scelto perchè a differenza di altri vostri competitor avete un ottima assistenza, la grafica e le funzioni sono il top per WordPress.

    Fai caso ad una cosa.. Guarda le immagini di AMAZON se noti.. anche se c’è una LABEL nell’immagine, però la foto stessa del prodotto è leggermente spostata sotto in modo automatico.. anche se la label sta nella posizione dell’immagine.. questa piccolezza rende un’immagine sempre pulita.

    Poi se vedi bene anche il TITOLO.. non è completo.. lo tagliano con i puntini…… … ….
    In pratica con molti accorgimenti si può fare!

    Ripeto ragazzi.. Credo molto in voi. e continuerò ad investire su di voi.. ma Vi prego di Portare a termine queste piccolezze nei prossimi aggiornamenti perchè sono davvero molto importanti.. Ovviamente tutto questo deve essere ottimizzato sia per la Visuale in LISTA e sia per la GRIGLIA… Prendete per esempio sempre i più grandi SITI e non sbaglierete mai! Sempre prendere spunto da i siti più importanti!

    Credo in voi ragazzi e non vedo l’ora che potrete modificare queste cose come da Opzioni Prestabilite! La visione Mobile ormai è diventata troppo importante, tutti usano il Mobile e ormai ragazzi è arrivato il momento di Ottimizzare tutto per il Mobile! Mi raccomando!!! 🙂

    Siete i numero uno!! e sono sicuro che potete fare tutto questo!

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    Hello Aizaz!

    Thanks for your help as always! 🙂

    I’ve already removed only the favorites icon, unfortunately the label icon is needed and I can’t remove it from the view.

    As far as the space you were telling me about is concerned, actually if it develops this function that can detach itself from the parent containers but divide the two Blocks, the Left part Imagine and the Right part Contents such as Title, Label, price, etc. I think it could fit well instead everything.. Take AMAZON or eBay as an example, they do it this way.. this means that this method is the best, and I have actually had feedback with my customers too.

    I understand that space is limited, but if put right, how to use AMAZON and eBAY you can certainly do it too, I don’t think it’s impossible .. if others can do it .. you MUST do it too! (that’s why I’m posting some images as an example of what I mean) If you notice well.. they put everything in the right place, right spaces, and manage to put the most important things that can be seen.. The important things are: Title, Price , Discounted Price, Discount, Reviews, Promo etc.. everything that gives Importance to the Product itself.. and at the same time the image is clean and simple! This makes an eCommerce much more Professional.. and I’m sure you can do it all! I chose your Theme because unlike your other competitors you have excellent assistance, graphics and functions are the top for WordPress.

    Pay attention to one thing .. Look at the AMAZON images if you notice .. even if there is a LABEL in the image, however the product photo itself is slightly moved below automatically .. even if the label is in the position of the image.. this smallness makes an image always clean.

    Then if you see also the TITLE .. it is not complete .. they cut it with dots …… … ….
    In practice, with many precautions it can be done!

    I repeat guys.. I believe in you a lot. and I will continue to invest in you.. but please complete these trifles in the next updates because they are really very important.. Obviously all this must be optimized both for the LIST View and for the GRID… Always take for example the biggest SITES and you will never be wrong! Always take a cue from the top sites!

    I believe in you guys and I can’t wait until you can change these things as per Default Options! The Mobile vision has now become too important, everyone uses Mobile and now guys it’s time to Optimize everything for Mobile! Listen to me!!! 🙂

    I repeat!
    You are number one!! and I’m sure you can do all of this!

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    Thanks for sharing the suggestion/feature request with us, I am forwarding this to our development department for consideration to add it in the theme, but I am not giving you a guarantee for that because please note that a theme cannot satisfy all requirements as it may cause theme heaviness. Sometimes it may require your own customization. So if the development department finds it fit with the theme environment then surely they will look through it.

    Right now, to move the Label out of the Product Image, you can give the following Custom CSS a try on your Site, it might work out for you:

    .labels-rectangular { top: 0px !important; position: relative ; }

    Location to paste Custom CSS, go to Dashboard >> Theme Settings >> Custom CSS >> Global CSS section >> paste the CSS.

    Best Regards



    Hello Aizaz

    Heartfelt thanks for your help!

    I just tried the code you wrote me, I set it only for Mobile view, as there is no need for desktop..

    Unfortunately, what I’m referring to first is Optimizing the Mobile view as much as possible as it is the only one to suffer from spaces.. but noting the most famous sites, they have managed to optimize what was previously said in the best possible way..

    So.. at the moment I’m only using this code you gave me for Mobile and I’d say it’s not bad.. and for the moment we can accept this change in a very discreet way..

    For this I thank you so much for your work and your help.

    After all.. I’m sure and I believe in your company.. that you will be able to optimize all the requests listed above in the next updates.. Don’t forget! they are not difficult changes to make.. you just need to create special containers and manage everything in a very easy way.

    An advice..
    Always take the most famous sites as an example, because they study true Marketing and also adapt everything to the graphics..

    I repeat, everything needs to be optimized Specially for Mobile Viewing…

    For example, some time ago you changed the CSS code for displaying the Product List in the way you see it now.. But this was only possible with a change in the CSS Thanks to your support..it’s been a long time since this change had been made, a colleague of yours “Elisa” had followed me at the beginning. Thank you very much too.. and you have solved the display of the product list in the way I wanted to see it. To date, however, I was hoping that with the latest updates you would have improved this aspect, which you had solved with a few lines of code, and I believe that even changing this option in Native mode would be better. I hope that everything you can make as changes because I believe in you! and you can do it!!

    Come on guys!!!

    Thank you for your support time!

    Let me know if you will be able to make these changes in the next updates.

    A very dear greeting to all

    Good job!




    Firstly, we are glad that our provided solutions worked for you in the best possible way right now.

    Secondly, thanks for all your suggestions and recommendations. We will forward those to the Development Department for consideration to add it in the Theme and if they find it comfortable with the Theme environment then they will surely add it in the Theme.

    We appreciate your patience & cooperation in this regard.

    Thanks for contacting us.
    Have a great day !

    Topic Closed.
    Best Regards

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