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WPML Compactibility

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  • #43337


    hi, i don’t believe theme is 100% compactible with WPML. When i enable WooCommerce Multilingual the colors in shop page disapear. see attached image. I have local fresh install with bacis plugins from theme and only one product for test purpose. I allready talk with wmpl and they can’t find problem in their plugin. It is a little bit urgent issue.
    You can try to install fresh site and try as i did.

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    Artem Temos


    This problem is related to WooCommerce Multilingual plugin. In the function shown in the screenshot if filters default WordPress get_terms function and instead of slugs it returns names http://prntscr.com/iel4a5
    It shouldn’t do this since it may break a lot of functionality that is not related to our theme only. We are not able to fix it in our theme scope either.




    Hi tahnks for answer. I have contact wmpl team and they asked if you can jion theri program. I’ll copy text below what they wrote to me.:

    Meanwhile, and to save time (because compatibility process usually takes time) it would be great if you could contact the authors and urge them to join our Go Global Program.
    You can find details about it here.
    We will be happy to cooperate with the authors in making their plugin officially compatible with WPML.


    Thanks for help.


    Artem Temos

    Thank you. We will check this program.

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