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Product Category Page – Sale Price vs Regular Price

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  • #440123



    the link: https://ugosprint.com/unisex/unisex-1-8000/

    I want that the regular prices are shown but sale prices are shown. How can I do that? See the attached screenshot



    Sorry to say but your concern is not clear enough.

    Right now, the Category page link that you have shared is showing all the Variable Products with a Price Range which is correct. This is how by default Variable Products are shown at WooCommerce level.

    If we understand your concern correctly, you want to show Sale Price for the Variable Products on the Archive pages, sorry to say but by default for the Variable Products at WooCommerce level, it shows the Price Range and shows the Discount Label above it. The Discount label shows the percentage of maximum one offered on the variants. This is how it works at WooCommerce end.

    Further, at the Theme level there is an option which hides a higher price for variable products and leaves only a small one. So, if you want to enable it then you can go to Dashboard > Theme Settings > Shop > Variable Products > Price > there you can find the Hide “to” price toggle option > you can enable it: https://snipboard.io/GCq9M5.jpg

    Best Regards



    Sorry for unclear exaplanation.

    Let me explain it again. For example: One product regular price is $29.99 and sale price is $23.99

    The catalogue page shows that the sale prices are displayed but I want that regular prices should be displayed.

    See the attached screenshot.

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    Sorry to say but right now under the Theme, there isn’t such an option available to use for the Prices on the Category pages. It requires Customization and this is beyond our limitations and support policy scope. Hope you can understand our limitations.

    Best Regards

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