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Botón Añadir al carrito en pagina de producto se queda cargando eternamente

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  • #440612


    Hola, tengo el problema de que en la pagina individual del producto al agregar al carrito se queda cargando el boton y no lo agrega sino hasta que actualizo la pagina.

    Ya probe con otros temas y funciona con normalidad.

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    Please make sure that you have enabled ajax add to cart from Theme Settings >> Product Page.

    Please deactivate all the plugins except these ones:
    Slider Revolution
    WPBakery Page Builder or Elementor
    Woodmart Core
    Contact Form 7
    MailChimp for WordPress
    Safe SVG
    If the problem has gone, activate the plugins one by one, checking the issue to detect which one causes the problem.

    If the problem come back, you should also clear the cache memory on your browser.

    Best Regards.

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