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Product Page Layout

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  • #441923

    E-N Admin

    Hi there,

    I’m trying to customise a product page layout. I have read through the documentation but I can’t see how I can edit the page with elementor. After selecting the layout design and clicking ‘Create layout’ – it then takes me to ‘posts’ and I dont know why that is. If I go back to “layout” I can see the template I made but there’s no edit with elementor option. I would like to do this on the back end before putting any template live prior as our site is live.
    See image: https://prnt.sc/nN-6Gm_XlkLd

    Also, how can i recreate the “frequently bought together” section? see image: https://prnt.sc/f49omZacErYX




    Actually, under the Dashboard > Elementor > Settings > General > Post Type > you haven’t checked the Layouts option there > which is why you aren’t able to create Layouts with Elementor: https://snipboard.io/BPGyxc.jpg

    For the time being we have done that on your Site and saved it. You can now edit and create your Layouts with Elementor.

    Regarding the Frequently Bought Together, the Theme has the dedicated element available related to this which you can find under the Custom Layout. So, you can use that in your Layout to have the FBT feature for the Products.

    Best Regards


    E-N Admin


    Thanks for that. How come in designing our own layout we’re not able use certain shortcode? If we were to put shortcode attached to a button in a normal product page design – it works but when putting the shortcode in a button on a layout page it doesn’t (see image: https://prnt.sc/mJndFIKOVP3A)?
    Shortcode [brush_customiser product=”34685″] and CSS Class: brush_customiser_btn


    E-N Admin

    We have put these buttons all over our standard product page and have no issue. But can’t seem to put it anywhere in layout design page and get error all the time. It will defeat the purpose of being able to design our own product page if we can’t use shortcode anywhere on the page.


    • This reply was modified 2 years ago by E-N Admin.


    Sorry we didn’t get your concern exactly in this regard.Your shared Screenshot isn’t working.
    The Shortcode that you are referring to, does it come from a third party Plugin? Because if so then its working needs to be checked first with the default WordPress themes like Storefront or Twenty Twenty Three to confirm more.

    Also, there is a dedicated Shortcode element available at the Elementor editor level that you can try using in your Custom Product layout if want.

    Best Regards


    E-N Admin

    Hi there,

    1. The recent theme update has caused some design on cart widget to be off.
    The ‘Your Makeup Bag’ Heading is no longer big text and bold – can you please let me know how to fix this.

    2. The ‘Subtotal’ and Price total are close to each together and both are aligned to the left.
    Reference image: https://prnt.sc/ElkA8v0igbVD

    This is how it use to look like and would like to have it look like this again. See image: https://prnt.sc/EzXBxThrzCti (disregard the circle area. Please see cart heading and cart subtotal style).

    3. I was looking at the documentation for FBT but the instructions are so vague and not much details. Are you able to let me know how to set up FBT? is there a video?




    1 & 2- Could you please once try deactivating all the third party Plugins on your Site, remaining the Theme required ones activated. If the issue gets resolved, then reactivate them one by one to see which Plugin is causing the issue. If this doesn’t work for you then once also, try to activate the Parent Theme on your Site if you are using Child Theme on your Site.

    If somehow the issue still persists, then please take complete Backup of your Site first, then provide us the WP-ADMIN Login details of your Site in the Private Content field along with the permission to completely debug your Site which includes deactivating all the third party Plugins and removal of on-Site Customization changes too, so that we can thoroughly check this issue on your Site and assist you accordingly.

    3- There is a detailed guide on FBT under the Theme Documentation which also contains the Video guide too at the end, so please check the following link for that: https://xtemos.com/docs-topic/frequently-bought-together/

    Best Regards.


    E-N Admin


    I had tried deactivating the plugins and there isn’t any – this has only occurred since the recent theme update. Can’t you just give me some CSS code? I have also activated the Parent Theme, issue is still there.

    You can run through a debug. But please don’t deactivate the plugin called “Brush customiser/ Personalisation Plugin’ – that is fundamental and it will reset certain design on our site which will take a very long time to redo. You can deactivate others but NOT that plugin. That plugin hasn’t had any changes or updates since the website is made – it just constantly works with the website so please don’t touch it.

    The WP-Admin has been provided already before above.


    E-N Admin

    I also want to note some other changes that has happened since the Theme upgrade.

    – Error message of incorrect login, appears only half on the side widget. See image: https://prnt.sc/Ltm5w-CxTfrY
    – In shop page and any where where products is shown including in the homepage where there’s a section of products ‘best sellers’ – Our Add to cart buttons and our personalise buttons are now touching each other so both buttons are not connected and no spaces in between them. See image: https://prnt.sc/MfCQL5rhoaUR (mobile)
    and https://prnt.sc/iLl78qlE2Im9 (desktop – previously buttons are side to side)


    E-N Admin

    These issues always seem to happen when the theme updates. Some designs such as headings and our carts changing size or moving everything the theme is updated.



    The mentioned concern under the Shopping Cart widget is now adjusted on your Site: https://snipboard.io/dlK0Sw.jpg

    Please check back your Site after completely clearing the browser and server cache.

    Best Regards


    E-N Admin


    2. Was the ‘fix’ even tested and looked at? It’s not fixed. see image: https://prnt.sc/SNN4P2t1tW2C
    The ‘Your Makeup Bag’ is too big and the Subtotal and price is out of alignment and not how it use to look like.

    HOW IT USE TO LOOK LIKE and we want it back to this >>> https://prnt.sc/EzXBxThrzCti

    2. You also missed the other issues, the login error message on the side widget that appears if login is incorrect – its half cut. >>>> https://prnt.sc/Ltm5w-CxTfrY

    3. Our buttons for shop page and any where that is a product is displayed including homepage where ‘add to cart’ button is displayed also displays our ‘personalise’ button – it is now touching together both for mobile and desktop.
    https://prnt.sc/iLl78qlE2Im9 and https://prnt.sc/MfCQL5rhoaUR

    Everytime the theme is updated, these design issues comes up and it takes me about 2-3 weeks for you to actually answer and give me instructions on how to fix them because half of the time, you ignore some things and answer only 1 thing and sometimes, your ‘fix don’t actually work or aren’t correct.

    Please. Its very frustrating to have to keep nagging you to fix issues from an update – it’s find if it gets fixed on the first go after posting it but we have to go back and forth 3-4 times before it’s all fixed.


    E-N Admin

    Don’t worry about fixing the issues, I’ve just hired a developer to fix it to avoid going back and forth with you. These issues always always always occur when theme update is done. Without fault. Widget cart, product add to cart on shop page, fonts in widget – always those design elements. It’s ridiculous why those areas keep breaking and takes few days to fix. My tickets are all about fixing those issues. Crazy why you still don’t test those key parts with updates! So frustrating.



    Firstly, we want to apologize for all sorts of inconvenience caused in this regard.

    Secondly, regarding the concern the thing is it doesn’t necessarily mean every time that the Theme Update caused the issues on your Site because we have updated the Theme on our Test Sites too and don’t face such issues there after the update which certainly clears the fact that solely the Theme Update isn’t the issue.

    The reason could be multiple in this regard, either some third party Plugin settings conflicting or some Cache issue being the cause of this. So, we want to clear your doubts in this regard that it isn’t the Theme Update that causes this every time on a Site.

    Hope you can understand !

    Best Regards.


    E-N Admin

    The problem is that previous css code that was entered before in custom css doesn’t seem to work when theme is updated. I had opened a ticket before as well about out ‘add to cart’ buttons and then a css was given but now we’re back to having issues again. Why does the structure of CSS code changes and why are they not effective in next update so everytime an update is available, I have to hold my breath to see if design layouts changes upon updating. It’s ridiculous!

    Please assist with the following issues:
    1. The ‘Your Makeup Bag’ is too small (this heading should be in 1 line alone with the xclose) and the Subtotal and price is out of alignment and sound be UPPER CASE ‘SUBTOTAL’ aligned to the left and price aligned to the right – not how it use to look like.

    HOW IT USE TO LOOK LIKE and we want it back to this >>> https://prnt.sc/EzXBxThrzCti

    2. when customer failed login, the login error message on the side widget that appears if login is incorrect – the error message is half cut and only half visible. >>>> https://prnt.sc/Ltm5w-CxTfrY

    3. Our buttons for shop page and any where that is a product is displayed including homepage where ‘add to cart’ button is displayed also displays our ‘personalise’ button – it is now touching together both for mobile and desktop.
    https://prnt.sc/iLl78qlE2Im9 and https://prnt.sc/MfCQL5rhoaUR

    These are the issues that appears when we update theme. We have had roll back and implement our back so current Theme update has not yet been activated so some issues, isn’t yet visible. You may activate and see the issues arise. Please let me know the CSS required to fix these and how to make these changes permanent so that we don’t keep running into the same issues everytime.




    So, currently your Theme isn’t updated to the latest version. So, we first check the issues without updating the Theme.

    The issue under the Cart widget persists without update too: https://snipboard.io/XlhS53.jpg

    The wrong password notification is appearing outside of the cart widget not under the cart widget: https://snipboard.io/E91vbc.jpg

    The Add to Cart and Personalize button appears fine without update: https://snipboard.io/Iv4Gji.jpg

    Now after updating the Theme and Core plugin on your Site to the latest version, the Personalize and Add to Cart button still appear fine: https://snipboard.io/mjNfti.jpg

    The failed Login notification still appears the same: https://snipboard.io/RQXIpH.jpg

    And the issue under the Shopping Cart widget remains the same too: https://snipboard.io/s49j7H.jpg

    So, like we mentioned you, your issues weren’t specifically related to Theme Update. There might be some third party Plugin causing that issue for some issues and some issues are the same with and without update.

    Best Regards


    E-N Admin

    No the issue is the theme! You have misunderstood what exactly I wrote.

    The ‘my makeup bag’ is suppose to be in bold and bigger font and in aligned with the x close button. Please see the image I had referenced above! Which I have also attached the image again and what is circled in blue! That’s how how it’s suppose to look like! That’s how the original theme had it before so the image you’re referencing isn’t even how your current default side widget look like. You should know this as it’s your theme! If you go to any test preview of your default theme my attached image is how your standard side widget cart and subtotal look like and not what we currently have!

    Even the sign in title on the widget is small! Which is suppose to be bold and big. So the cart widget has issues – see attachment also!

    The issue occurs on mobile with the login error on the widget and not on desktop – it’s pretty clear on my screen shots that it was taken from a mobile screen shot and not desktop!

    You must be logged in to view attached files.

    E-N Admin

    Also as you can clearly see on the attached image I sent above that The error message is cut off on cart widget which is just taken as I write this text so it is current on mobile! Your screenshot is on desktop hence you saw it outside the widget!

    You must be logged in to view attached files.

    E-N Admin

    We also keep getting cron issue. Below is the message we get with wprocket and I noticed you had a disclaimer about cron issues for the theme.

    The following scheduled event failed to run. This may indicate the CRON system is not running properly, which can prevent some WP Rocket features from working as intended:
    Scheduled Cache Purge
    Please contact your host to check if CRON is working.
    Dismiss this notice



    We have further checked in detail the mentioned issues in comparison with our Test Site and found out these:

    1- Regarding the Subtotal price right alignment concern, there was an additional class appearing as a special price code on which the respective Theme end CSS was missing which we have now added and it is adjusted to right alignment fine:

    span.woocs_special_price_code {
        flex-grow: 1;
        text-align: right;

    2- Regarding the “Your Makeup Bag” text, the Theme picks up the Title font styling defined under the Dashboard > Theme Settings > Typography > Title font. So, there the Text Transform and Font Weight stylings weren’t set the same as they were at the default Theme Settings end which is why this issue was arising so for the time being we have chosen Font Weight Medium 500 and Text Transform as Uppercase as how they were at the default Theme Settings end: https://snipboard.io/XP548q.jpg

    You can further select the options in it according to your choice and it will change accordingly.

    3- Regarding the Close button under the Shopping Cart widget, as we have checked under the Inspect tool of the browser this link is taking styling from one of your Product Customizer plugin: https://snipboard.io/e01iTu.jpg

    So, if you want to override that then you can use the following Custom CSS on your Site and paste it to Dashboard >> Theme Settings >> Custom CSS >> Global CSS section:

    .cart-widget-side .wd-action-btn.wd-style-text>a {
        font-size: 1.5em;
        font-weight: 700;
        text-transform: uppercase;
    .wd-action-btn.wd-style-text>a:before {
        font-weight: 700;

    4- Regarding the Login failed concern, we have checked this concern in real Mobile view and it is still appearing outside:


    Best Regards.


    E-N Admin

    Hi there,

    Thanks for the assistance above.

    Our ‘add to cart’ buttons and personalisation buttons are uneven under the product in shop page and any product archive displaying such buttons. You previously gave me a CSS code and this screenshot. I have it implemented on the site but the button is still uneven. I want it to be the same height as the personalisation button but when I change the height in the code and clear cache, it goes back to being small: https://prnt.sc/FNFTJTy7oCi8
    When the code is as follows, the ‘add to cart’ button height isn’t the same.
    .product-grid-item.wd-hover-standard .add-to-cart-loop span {
    padding: 12px 60px;

    /* .product-grid-item .wd-add-btn.wd-add-btn-replace .button.product_type_simple {
    width: 120px;
    height: 60px;
    } */

    Code and instruction given to make the button wider but doesn’t work https://monosnap.com/file/BxXH56C0u2eeL5bGCMIWCwgma6VkgE

    • This reply was modified 2 years ago by E-N Admin.
    • This reply was modified 2 years ago by E-N Admin.


    Sorry to say but as far as we are seeing the Products on your Site, the buttons are appearing fine on them i.e. even sized: https://snipboard.io/CSl7wu.jpg

    Please check back your Site after completely clearing the browser and server cache.

    Best Regards


    E-N Admin


    On desktop our image thumbnail doesn’t appear. https://prnt.sc/xpFN2jR7pYFl

    Also, regarding product archived buttons, view our custom layout page and scroll down to best seller. So anywhere we put Products widget or Archived products on custom pages this is how the product button appear. Add to cart and personalisation is not even and the same. The add to cart button is suppose to be the same as the personalise button but as you can see, the add to cart button is longer and slightly thinner and stuck together rather than having space between – you cannot tell me that it is exactly the same.


    Also see image: https://prnt.sc/DbM8-V4IodhX



    So, we have now thoroughly checked your Site again in this regard, the buttons including Personalize and Add to Cart are appearing on the Products: https://snipboard.io/8oU1hp.jpg

    Whereas, the Layouts related issue is concerned right now all the Layouts on your Site are in Draft and not enabled. Further, when we checked one of the Single Product page of your Site > the Related Products section doesn’t have the Personalize button on the Products right now: https://snipboard.io/Ki6deO.jpg

    Please check back your Site after completely clearing the browser and server cache.

    Best Regards.


    E-N Admin

    On the backend of creating the layout. the Personalisation button is on there but when the page is viewed, it disppeared. – Not referring to shop page. I’m referring to other product archived sections.

    Also, the product page image thumbnail – you have ignored this issue. The image thumbnails on product page has disappeared.


    E-N Admin

    sorry, why doesn’t the personalise button appear on product archieve for sections like it does on shop page?


    E-N Admin

    The thumbnail images, appears upon load and then disappears


    E-N Admin

    Also, our review star isn’t appearing on product page


    E-N Admin

    See attached image: of product section archieved with personalisation button on the backend appear

    You must be logged in to view attached files.

    E-N Admin

    We also previously had this ‘Personalisation’ on our product pages above the add to cart.

    So we lost, image thumbnails (for desktop) and this personalisation above add to cart (disappeared on both mobile and desktop).

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