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Custom js not working after option in filter by attribute being selected (ajax)

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  • #442055


    Custom js stops working after I select an option from any filter by attribute widget (ajax) on archive product page, same goes when I select a category from category widget or price filter.



    If you have added any sort of Custom JS code on your Site which you are referring to not working then sorry to say but that comes under Customization and we can’t say much about it because It requires Customization and this is beyond our limitations and support policy scope. Hope you can understand our limitations.

    But if a Theme Option or setting without the JS code by default is not working on your Site then you can mention that so that we can look further into that and assist you accordingly.

    Best Regards



    but I have this issue only on your theme, the custom js code works until I select an option from your layered attribute filter or price filter… after I select an option from the filter, it literally deactivates my custom js code

    • This reply was modified 2 years ago by wxlholding.


    Sorry for the inconvenience caused. As we mentioned you earlier, the Theme isn’t responsible for the Custom JS conflict with the Theme because it isn’t coming from the Theme end. You have added this on your Site yourself so this eventually comes under Customization and you might need to contact your developer to look after this conflict or if you haven’t had any then you might need to check this yourself consequently.

    This certainly is beyond our limitations and support policy scope. Hope you can understand our limitations here.

    Best Regards

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