Hi! I updated the theme and the top menu that was displayed inline is no longer inline. I tried some tricks but I dont manage to solve it.
I also tried the button “display inline” but it did not work. I hope you can solve it for me 😉
This topic was modified 1 year, 11 months ago by Pernilla.
Thank you Elise but I am making something wrong as it dont work.
Also, the icons coming after the contac info should be placed at the right of the top header (not directly after the contact info).
Can you change all this for me? I also enclose a file to show how it should look.
(I enclose a print screen where you can see the code I used)
I solved it by putting each contact info as separated elements!
But it is a little disturbing that an update brokes the header 🥹 I understand you are doing updates to make the theme work better… but at the same time it is anoying when the old information stops working.