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Pages can not be found & Permalinks problem

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  • #45491


    Hello there. I’ve tested all day. Almost there. Still got now two problems I can’t get solved by myself. I’v setup the shop. When changing the permalinks The shop stops working. Changing back to “standard permalinks” and it works. But I want mu own permalinks.

    Also when clicking on one of the categories (main navigation and sidebar left) the result is different from the standard shop page. The info in the sidebar (plugins) change. I just want that to be the same. Price selector is left away.

    For a second you see the correct page, but then it says can not find page.


    I hope you can help me out here.



    I’ve changed the permalinks back to basic once again. Otherwise you can not log in. But that way the categories page will show up. Just not the correct way.

    Yoyrs Sincerely

    Lars, Sitback


    Artem Temos


    Thank you so much for contacting our support center.

    We just checked your shop page but don’t see any problems. Could you please provide us some screenshots and steps how to reproduce the issue on your website?

    Kind Regards
    XTemos Studio



    Well,the problem is solved now. The client is using a Microsoft server. That causes permalink errors as soon I use a second WordPress installation in a subdirectory called /DEMO. I was fed up with it. Now I’m using the standard wordpress installation directory. Then all works fine. I work with subdirectories for years. This is the first time it wouldn’t get to work. But the theme is amazing. I love it.

    On a local installation I tested the new update. There were problems. Hmmm.
    Masonary for example did’t work like the previous one. The big image won’t fit at all now. Isn’t filled out and doesn’t line up with the rest. I will wait for another new update before I use this new theme I guess. Updates… more trouble than solutions all over this world.


    Artem Temos

    Do you have any of the mentioned problems on your live website? Unfortunately, we can’t check them while you have them on the local machine only.




    Not on the live site ha!
    There I will wait till I get this grid ok again. For now I have updated my local site to the newest theme and made a screenshot of your disrupted “products categories” within WP Bakery. And also I made a screenshot of how it was before I updated. That’s a picture of the live site.
    As you can see. The left picture doesn’t line up anymore. That’s because the right four images are squares now. I liked it when all was lining up.
    What’s the solution to this problem?

    Also I translated all “my account” into Dutch. Worked fine all over teh site. Only on the My account page itself it won’t change. What I do and trie. I used Loco translate like you adviced. Checked WooCommerce and Woodmark…

    Yours Sincerely



    Those two files again.

    You must be logged in to view attached files.



    You must be logged in to view attached files.

    Artem Temos


    If you update the WooCommerce plugin to the latest version, you can resize your product and categories images and enable their hard crop in Appearance -> Customize -> WooCommerce -> Product images.

    Kind Regards



    Yep I know. I already tried that. Now once again. All three presets have no effect at all on this “products categories”. Unfotunaltely.

    Another question. I do use color in some products. In one of the demo products I have set all variations on “every colour” As soon I use this instead of setting every colour by its own, then the colour swatches won’t appear on the shop page. The product page will show them allright. Would be great the shop page will show them too. Those products with seperate color tabs working correct.


    Artem Temos

    Did you try to regenerate all thumbnails with “Regenerate thumbnails” plugin?

    Sorry, but we don’t understand your second question. Please, provide some screenshots and links for better understanding.



    I dis now. Still no effect unfortunately.

    About the second question. I made some screenshots.

    You must be logged in to view attached files.

    Artem Temos


    Could you please disable all plugins that are not related to our theme and provide us your admin and FTP access so we can check it?

    Thank you in advance



    This is the live demo site. Not updated yet. That I will only local because of the catagories grid. Good luck


    Artem Temos

    But we can’t check this issue if it is not updated.

    As for swatches, you have to specify each variation separately. It doesn’t work with “Any color” value.



    Ok I understand. I’ve updated the online demo site now also. The problem still excists. On the local site I’ve tested with a square image. Then it looks ok again. But that’s a work around. I hope you can look into this now.


    Artem Temos

    Try to run the thumbnails regeneration process.

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