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The content area has not been found on your page

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  • #457991


    Getting this error on the layout pages & homepage : https://prnt.sc/hNCCiLzOIBVN

    Kindly help



    Also, you can check out this Elementor Article too in this regard:

    Best Regards.



    Tried this did not work can you please help

    Thanks & Regards,



    Could you please check how it works with some default WordPress themes like TwentyTwenty or WooCommerce Storefront to understand is it our theme issue or not?

    If there are issues with our theme then Could you please disable all plugins that are not related to our theme and provide us your admin access so we can check it?

    Best Regards.



    We ran some checks. It is an issue of the Woodmart Child Theme. Upon Switching to the Woodmart Main Theme, things started working normally and this issue vanished. However, upon switching to the main theme, the whole layout shifted by a few pixels from the right and there was a huge gap.

    Kindly advise how to move forward.



    Checked all other possibilities other than the adding of the PHP thecontent() thing.

    Where do we need to add this in the Woodmart Child Theme?



    It can be a conflict of the Customization done in your Child Theme which is causing that. So, you might need to reconsider the Customization(s) done in your Child Theme in this regard and then check back the concern again or you can simply try to backup or copy the customization in your current Child Theme and delete your current Child Theme and try creating a new one to confirm more.

    However, it’s important to note that making changes directly to the theme files can be risky as it can affect the functionality of the theme and future updates.

    Best Regards.

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