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Can’t set image hight for product archives

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    I have problems to set image hight for product archives and when I import product with different photos sizes, I get very bad result, for example as in this page: https://houstera.lt/produkto-kategorija/buitine-technika/saldytuvai-ir-saldikliai

    And same problem I have inside product page. Page url: https://houstera.lt/produktas/155-cm-baltos-spalvos-saldytuvas-be-saldymo-kameros-lord-r7/

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    Luke Nielsen


    Please read the below documentation about content alignment on the product grid.


    In general, the issue is in the images themselves.

    Kind Regards



    I tired this solution, but that didn’t solve the issue, because this is for single product image not the catalog.

    I know that the issues is in images, but there should be solutions to make same size.

    Any suggestions that could work with your theme?

    P.S. Also this solution not even work for single product page…


    Luke Nielsen


    I suggest you regenerate your images through the “Regenerate Thumbnails” plugin for cropping images (more detail in the below article).



    If you’d like to contact us, we are here for whatever questions you may have.

    Kind Regards



    I tried to do Thumbnail generation with plugin. I added print screen for reference, but I can’t find any options what to do next?

    Do I need to change specific settings in theme after generating thumbnails, so that I can see result in catalog layout gird?

    Link for reference: https://houstera.lt/produkto-kategorija/buitine-technika/saldytuvai-ir-saldikliai/

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    Luke Nielsen


    You need to check the “Delete thumbnail files for old unregistered sizes in order to free up server space. This may result in broken images in your posts and pages.” checkbox and then regenerate all thumbnails.

    After that, clear the cache and recheck the issue. Let me know the results.

    Kind Regards




    I tried your solution, but result still the same, I wonder if I missing step.

    For fester testing I try on one product:

    1) I got to image file and press Regenerate thumbnails

    2) Checked both
    Skip regenerating existing correctly sized thumbnails (faster).
    Delete thumbnail files for old unregistered sizes in order to free up server space. This may result in broken images in your posts and pages.

    3) After I get result:
    These are the currently registered thumbnail sizes, whether they exist for this attachment, and their filenames:

    thumbnail: 150×150 pixels (cropped to fit) 34ff2a6abf204b7dd1a38f17b8e118fc-mm2000x2000-150×150.jpg
    medium: 400×300 pixels (proportionally resized to fit inside dimensions) 34ff2a6abf204b7dd1a38f17b8e118fc-mm2000x2000-122×300.jpg
    medium_large: 768×0 pixels (thumbnail would be larger than original)
    large: 1300×800 pixels (thumbnail would be larger than original)
    1536×1536: 1536×1536 pixels (thumbnail would be larger than original)
    2048×2048: 2048×2048 pixels (thumbnail would be larger than original)
    woodmart_shop_catalog_x2: 1000×750 pixels (thumbnail would be larger than original)
    woocommerce_thumbnail: 500×375 pixels (cropped to fit) 34ff2a6abf204b7dd1a38f17b8e118fc-mm2000x2000-155×375.jpg
    woocommerce_single: 500×0 pixels (thumbnail would be larger than original)
    woocommerce_gallery_thumbnail: 150×0 pixels (proportionally resized to fit inside dimensions) 34ff2a6abf204b7dd1a38f17b8e118fc-mm2000x2000-150×370.jpg

    4) But what is next step so that I could use for example this generated image -> medium: 400×300 pixels (proportionally resized to fit inside dimensions) 34ff2a6abf204b7dd1a38f17b8e118fc-mm2000x2000-122×300.jpg

    Because now just done the generation with results and same image still stuck in same size and I can’t do any change.

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    Luke Nielsen


    Please send me access to the admin dashboard so I will check it on your side.

    Looking forward to collaborating with you!

    Kind Regards



    Luke Nielsen


    Yep, I see. I tried to regenerate that image as well and seems that it does not work well for all images. So in this case, you need to upload an image with equal sizes so then they will be similar.

    If there’s anything else we can do, please get in touch.

    Kind Regards




    We import lot of products, from other dealers, so we can’t re-upload each time image. We need solution, so that image could be standardised after upload.

    Are there not any solutions that could work with your theme?


    Luke Nielsen


    Unfortunately, the image of this product cannot be cropped because it is too small in size: https://houstera.lt/produktas/155-cm-baltos-spalvos-saldytuvas-be-saldymo-kameros-lord-r7/

    In general, this issue is not related to the theme, it’s related to the images themselves. Also, you can be sure of that by checking them on the default theme, there you will see the same issue.

    Kind Regards



    Ok, I see.

    So what are minimal image sizes that could work, so I could test on another products to see, what to do next.


    Luke Nielsen


    There is no required or recommended image size for product or other purposes. Image should be big enough to have a nice view. Just for information we provide images sizes applied in our demo.

    Product main image: width: 800px; height: 1200px
    Blog post: width: 1024px; height: 720px

    In Appearance – > Customize -> WooCommerce -> Product Image we have such settings:

    Main image width – 600px.
    Thumbnail width – 350px.

    Thumbnail cropping checkboxes: 1:1

    Kind Regards



    Ok, I understood thanks 🙂


    Luke Nielsen


    If there’s anything you need, please write me or another member of our help desk team.

    We’re here for you!

    Kind Regards

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